VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


Мехтиева С.В. 1, Калугина Ю.В. 1, Арасланбаев И.В. 1
1Башкирский государственный аграрный университет
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At present, the level of knowledge of the leading experts in the field of management requires constant learning and development. Modern universities train qualified specialists and provide the opportunity to put theoretical knowledge into practice due to the requirements of the progressive society.

The quality of training of young specialists in professional educational institutions of higher education is in direct dependence on the quality of the knowledge, theoretical and practical skills gained by students during the course of studies and practice.

The main purpose of the effective development of future professionals in the field of management is the development of the economy and the whole country. To fulfill this goal the state and many universities of the country give efficient support to every future specialist, develop competitiveness in order to have stable position on the labor market and to ensure efficient work.

The problem mentioned above is considered on the example of Bashkir State Agrarian University.

Why is the role of the professional training of future experts so important? Many students who haven’t graduated from the highest educational institutions yet, have good theoretical knowledge which is, certainly, not enough for effective activity. It is very important to be able to use gained knowledge in practice.

Bashkir State Agrarian University pays great attention to the professional training of future experts. One of the methods to improve the level of knowledge and professional skills of the student is working practice.

The working practice carries out the major functions in the system of the professional training of students:

• Teaching function – updating, deepening and expansion of the theoretical knowledge, it’s application in the solution of the specific situational objectives, skills development;

• Developing function – development of the informative and creative activity of the future experts, the development of thinking, communicative and psychological abilities;

• Educative function – formation of socially active identity of the future expert, steady interest, love to the profession;

• Diagnostic function – check of the level of the professional orientation of the future experts, the degrees of professional suitability and readiness to professional activity[1].

To fill up the students gaps in implementing theoretical knowledge in practice, many enterprises are ready to host future experts for training and experience exchange. So, for example, Bashkir State Agrarian University cooperates with leading experts in the field of economy, finance, management and other spheres ready to host and help the students with production, organizational and administrative or research work. These are such enterprises as, JSC Uralsib, the Bashkir branch of JSC "Rosselkhozbank", etc.

In 2014 the students of BSAU had an opportunity to experience the efficiency and usefulness of the work training. It was the chance to get the necessary professional experience. The work training helped implement theoretical knowledge and to gain practical skills, thus practicing the ability to apply this knowledge to the solution of specific objectives, development of professional consciousness and professionally significant qualities. We learnt the production and activity of the organizations.

So work practice is, undoubtedly, a big contribution to the training of future experts and is very effective in the course of the forthcoming adaptation of experts at the enterprise.

In conclusion it’s necessary to underline that the right organization of the training of future experts is one of the most important ways of the student professional training. And the university gives a graet support for the realization of students opportunities.

Therefore, a necessary condition in the training of future experts is the activity of the university which promotes deepening and expansion of theoretical knowledge, formation the abilities to use normative, legal, information documentation. And thanks to this work practice helps form and develop students independence, creative initiative, responsibility and organization.


1. Baranovska T.P., Marketing in Russia and abroad [Text]: textbook / T.P. Baranovskaja; Ed. VI Loikaw. — 2nd ed., Marketing and Market Research, 2003. — 416p.

2. Semenov M. I., Management in Russia and abroad: [Text]: textbook / Ed. IT Trubilin. — M .: Finance and Statistics, 1999. — 416p.

3. Mizherikov V.A., Ermolenko M. N. Introduction to pedagogical training: Manual for students of pedagogical educational institutions. — M.: Pedagogical society of Russia, 2002. — 268p.

Просмотров работы: 809