VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


Максименкова Т.Н. 1, Гун К.П. 1
1Карагандинский государственный университет им. академика Е.А.Букетова
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Etiquette is a philosophical concept. The dictionary determines it as the following: "Etiquette (fr. etiquette "label") — set of behaviour rules concerning external manifestation of the attitude towards people (manners with people around, forms of the address and greetings, behavior in public places, manners and an clothing)" [1]. That says it is the set of rules, regulating behavior in society. Etiquette originates in the most ancient times when the manifestation of behavior was connected with various beliefs, rituals and ceremonies. Gradually some definite actions meant some concrete situations, there were traditional standards of behavior. "Customs which etiquette rules adjoin are the most ancient forms of storage and transference of social and historical experience of mankind" [2]. It is very important to note that in cultures of different nations etiquette has its national features which are most brightly shown in the sphere of communication.

Each ethnos has distinctive features which impact etiquette also. It is connected with that national specifics are the most distinctively observed in activity as the different people perform identical forms of activity have different operations.

In general the system of the moral installations defining nature of communication of the different peoples includes a set of universal values: hospitality, concept of honor, modesty, honourable attitude towards seniors. However each people has a specific hierarchy of values. So, honouring of parents wins first place in Muslim system of moral values, and the European peoples expressed it poorly. And it should be noted that the different peoples have the same etiquette situation (relating to the system of values) expressed with different forms.

National etiquette as a communication form is initially connected with ethnic and social orientation therefore the person who masters ethnic and social roles well, can feel comfortable in any environment.

Rules of etiquette express ways of a concrete presentation of ethical knowledge, abilities and valuable orientation in behaviour. Etiquette is the rules of moral behavior regulating a form of manifestation of the relation of the personality to moral values. Within the framework of such approach when axiological characteristics of actions and their results are taken into account, it is accepted to use the term and the concept "behaviour" [3], "the human behavior" is more exact [3]. Ethical approach to behavior states that all human activities, any behavior and an act are subject to a moral assessment and can be morally qualified. And, so ethnoethics as traditional system of human behavior can be also considered as etiquette behavior.

Etiquette regulates, structures behavior of people in society. It can be modified, but doesn't die, carrying out humanistic function of the organization and a regulation of communication processes both within public, and the individual level. As well as any social phenomenon, etiquette is inconsistent, multidimensional and diverse, its history testifies to existence of a special human need in ritualization of certain forms of behavior and communication at the level of more general moral and cultural phenomena of development of an era, society, separate group or the individual.

Distinctive features of national etiquette of Kazakhs, for example, are: the honourable attitude towards seniors which was expressed in a stump of ancestors, to mother (mother's cult); love to a child (child's cult); to the native earth (a homeland cult), advanced feeling of help in return — unselfishness; modesty; softness; tolerance etc.

There are rules relating seniors which children have to follow: don't pass before the seniors, when you grow up, will respect you; don't put in a ward of seniors and don't overhear, leave and don't disturb, otherwise you will become deaf; always talk to seniors and others by "you" (plural). Seniors, in turn, take care of children, love them and pay them needed attention. Any family celebration can’t be led without their participation, Young people address them for advices, their opinion is appreciated.

There is some kind of etiquette of the address to the family, the relations to various aspects of life which are formed at growing up generation in the course of education.

The hospitality etiquette which became an embodiment of generosity and generosity of the Kazakh [3] has harmonious, peculiar system of moral rules of behaviour.

Different cultures treat the rules of etiquette differently. Many cultures have similar and sometimes identical forms of expression of ethic norms. It depends on historically developed traditions. Korean culture is not an exception.

One of the most ancient customs of the Koreans is the honourable attitude towards seniors. As well as in many eastern cultures, the Korean people respect and honour seniors. There was the whole system of traditionally developed rules of behaviour of young people expressing the respectful attitude towards adults. Observance of these ethical standards developed politeness, respect, restraint in children. The honoring etiquette senior by the younger ones includes the following settled standards of behavior: the son couldn't sit at the father's presence, the younger brother at the senior’s. It was considered disrespectful to speak loudly at the presence of seniors, to argue, behave defiantly in relation to them, whether it were relatives or strangers. Children were taught that in conversation with a senior it is indecent to face directly and the head as a sign of respect should be inclined [5] down. If a senior asked a young man or a girl a question, they had to answer politely without wasting words, respectfully listen to advices. It was necessary to give something to a senior with both hands, or touching a wrist of the giving hand.

According to ethnographic, social and psychological and the pedagogical researches data, distinctive features of the Korean national character are love to work, hospitality, kindness, sincerity. In philosophy of Confucianism there was an expression "Sin’ Isu" that provided trust, sincerity and hospitality between people [5].

The educational system of the Korean people focuses on development the definite national and psychological qualities and reflects many-sided traditions and national psychology. In the conditions of updating all sphere of life the great value gets research of ethnic heritage in spiritual and moral education of younger generation. In this regard special relevance is gained by accumulation, preservation and continuity of educational traditions, their broadcasting to the subsequent generations and preservation by new generations.

To track rules of the Russian etiquette, it is necessary to address the Russian person of the Middle Ages as the etiquette of the Middle Ages has the print on the established norms of modern Russian etiquette.

The Russian person of the XIV-XVI centuries is a special phenomenon: on the one hand – church education and maintenance of these traditions, and on the other hand, mentality, preservation of the old ways and ceremonies demanding observance of certain norms and implementation of rules.

For example, the guest etiquette in Russia considered age and origin. The same aged guest was taken to the yard, and then taken up to the porch; the elder person was walked through the yard; it wasn't accepted to bring the senior to the younger. The important person was invited by the owner or his relatives, less important by relatives or servants; the notable guest was welcomed at a porch or arranged three meetings (servants at gate, relatives in the yard and the owner at a porch), equal — in an outer entrance hall, younger — in the room.

So, etiquette is a big and important part of universal culture and morals developed throughout many centuries of life by all people according to their ideas of good, justice, and humanity in the sphere of moral culture and beauty, order, improvement, household expediency in the sphere of culture material.

The modern etiquette inherits customs practically of all people from hoary antiquity up to now. At the heart these rules of behaviour are general as they are observed by representatives not only of some society, but also representatives of the most various socio-political systems existing in the modern world. People of each country make the amendments and additions caused by a social order of the country, specifics of its historical structure, national traditions and customs to etiquette.


1. The dictionary on ethics. M, 1975.

2. Arzhseskaya E. A. Speech etiquette of modern Americans of the USA//National and cultural specifics of speech behavior / Under the editorship of A. A. Leontyev, Yu. A, Sorokin, E. F. Tarasov. M, 1977.

3. Kalybekova of Asm Theoretical and applied fundamentals of national pedagogics of Kazakhs. – Almaty. BAUR, 2005. - 200 pages.

4. Min L.V. Family traditions and customs of the Koreans living in Kazakhstan. A., 1992 – 96 pages.

5. Zezina M.R., etc. History of the Russian culture. M.: Education, 1990. – 350 pages.

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