VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


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The structural and typological method of the analysis of the phraseological systems of various languages was developed by D. O. Dorovolsky. Proceeding from understanding of structural typology as typology "internal", it is logical to define the structural-typological analysis of phraseology as the direction studying the internal organization of the phraseological system of various languages in derivation from extralinguistic and genetic factors

40 Part I. Phraseology as a linguistic discipline

From all possible features of the internal organization of phraseological system the greatest for structural typology dependences principles of an organization of phraseological system of this or that language on typological specifics of others ("primary" in relation to phraseology) subsystems of language matter. On the basis of this situation it is possible to put and resolve an issue, the phraseological system (the principles of its device) in general for linguistic typology is significant.

The structural and typological analysis of phraseology includes the following stages:

1. ​ At the first stage it is necessary to choose the analysis of a language, the forming typological rows, i.e. languages, principly similar, but differing from each other on any one typologically important sign.

2. ​ Further it is necessary to allocate that leading typological sign which is the basis of a typological row (i.e. a typological dominant).

3. ​ Then it is required to formulate a basic hypothesis of an research, i.e. a working hypothesis of how the graduirovaniye of the leading typological sign in the languages chosen for the analysis influences the internal organization of phraseological system of these languages.

4. ​ And at last, it is necessary to analyse phraseological systems of the chosen languages for the purpose is to check working hypothesis.

In work [Dobrovolsky, 1990] by the specified technique phraseological systems of Deutch, English and Netherlands languages were analysed. The basis on these languages can be built in a typological row, degree of analytism of a language system. The basic hypothesis is formulated as follows: the analitical language, the more regular phraseological system (under other similar conditions).

The regularity of phraseology is understood as manifestation the system of relations. Degree of a regularity of phraseological system is caused by intensity of action

Chapter 2. Methods of studying of phraseological units 41

the structural and combinatory principle in internal organization. In other words, the phraseology of this or that language is more regular, the more often the phraseology goes already beaten paths, using linguistically limited fulfilled structural samples, combining rather limited "construction material".

The revealed regularity as a result of the analysis structural typological rule according to direct dependence between a measure of a regularity of phraseological system and degree of analyticity of a language system, includes a number of more private implicative correlations:

1. ​ Than on average extended and complex words in a language (than its formative fund is richer), especially is various and constituent and the structure of its phraseological system is unique, and it is less regular. Than analytic language, there is more regular constituent structure of phraseological units of this language.

2. ​ Than analytical language,so there is stronger action of the structural-combinatory principle in the organization of elements of a system of this language and, including, its phraseology. There are direct dependence between degree of analytism of language and degree of orderliness, a formal-semantic organization of its phraseological system.

Developing bases of the structural and typological analysis of phraseology, D. O. Dobrovolsky established a number of implication.

Implication — is the logical operation connected with two statements in the difficult statement by means of a logical statement "if... that", and in quantitative "than is more... the it is less" or "than less... the it is more".

The main of implication, allocated with D. O. Dobrovolsky, possess the following signs: the various of formative is less in language, the more often are possible casual a matches of the sound and graphic structures conducting to a homonymy; the more the semantic way of word formation is developed, is less in language of various formative; the analytical language, there is stronger action of tendency to formation of the conversion

42 Part I. Phraseology as a linguistic discipline of

steams; than analytical language, there is less probability of existence than phraseological units in it with anomaly of word forms of components; the analytism of language is higher, the phraseological system, than higher it orderliness and formation of series and ranks, and also repeated use of the same lexical elements as components of phraseological units is more regular.

Thus, the methodology of the analysis is based on the identification of implicative dependencies between features of the organization of various elements of language structure that allows to connect phraseological signs to typological model of this or that language. It must be kept in mind that along with the prevailing analytism elements in English phraseology there are also synthetism elements, which may include, for example, widespread use of adjectives in comparative degree in the case comparison (see §64).

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