VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


Попова М.Д. 1
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Euphony means are not used in the uncomparative and adjectival phraseological units, except the assonance in phraseological units high and mighty – высокомерный, надменный, властный, заносчивый and alliterations in phraseological units penny plain and twopence coloured – дешевыйипоказной; penny wise and pound foolish – экономныйвмелочахирасточительныйвкрупном and spick-and-span – щегольской, элегантный; = сиголочки.

Euphony means are used in the adjectival comparisons, promoting semantic and structural isolation of these turns. There are a lot of alliterate accords among adjectival comparisons, and repeating of one, two and three sounds are possible.

The alliteration is widespread English phraseology, especially in comparisons and proverbs. The tradition of using alliterate accords goes back to the alliterate verse, by which the old English epic poem “Beowulf” is written.

The repeating of one sound is a widespread type of alliteration among adjectival comparisons, for example: (as) blind as a bat (as a beetle, as a brickbat) – подслеповатый; = слепаякурица; (as) pleased as Punch – оченьдоволен; = рад-радешенек; (as) slow as a snail – оченьмедленный, медлительный; (as) thick as thieves – спаянныекрепкойдружбой, закадычныедрузья; = водойнеразольешьидр.

Other types of the alliteration are rare.

The repeating of two sounds is observed in following comparisons: (as) flat as a flounder - “плоскийкаккамбала”, совершенноплоский; = плоскийкакблин, какдоска (alliteration); (as) fit as a fiddle – вдобромздравии;совсемздоров (alliteration and assonance).

The assonance – the symmetric repeating of identical or similar vowels at the beginning or in the middle of words, it is used as a stylistic reception and also as a part of steady combinations.

As an example of alliteration the assonance can serve the comparison (as) hungry as a hunter = голодныйкакволк.

There are some cases of the assonance without alliteration in adjectival comparisons, for example: (as) cold as a stone = холодныйкаклед; (as) flat as a pancake – плоскийкакблин; (as) heavy as lead – тяжелыйкаксвинец; (as) mad as a hatter – невсвоемуме; (as) red as a cherry – румяный, срумянцемвовсющеку; = кровьсмолоком; (as) swift as the wind = сбыстротоймолнии.

The rhyme is met only in the one adjectival comparison: (as) snug as a bug in a rug –оченьудобноустроился(ср. голкаксокол).

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