ТЕОРИЯ ФРАЗЕОЛОГИИ ШАРЛЯ БАЛЛИ. - Студенческий научный форум

VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


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Charles Bally (1865-1947) is a Swiss linguist of French origin. He is creator of the theory of phraseology. Bally is first who systematized the combination of words in his books “The sketch stylistics” and “French stylistics”. He included a chapter about phraseology in his stylistics’ books. He identified four groups of the phrases, such as:

  1. The free phrases (les groupements libres), i.e. phrases which are lacked of stability and braking up after its formation;

  2. The usual combinations(les groupements usuels), i.e. phrases with free relatively connection of the components which allow some changes, for example, une grave malady – the serious disease (une dangereuse, derieuse maladie – the dangerous, serious disease);

  3. The phraseological ranges, i.e. groups of the words which are contained two ranges of concepts, connecting almost at the same. The stability of these phrases fixed primary usage of the words, for example, remporter une victoire – to win a victory, courir un danger – to be an endangered. These combinations allow rearrangement of components;

  4. The phraseological unity, i.e. phrases in which the words lost its meaning and express the concept of single indecomposable. Such combinations do not allow regrouping components. So, Bally distinguished combinations of the words on the degree stability: the combinations which have free groups of components and the combinations are lacked this freedom. Bally outlined these groups only schematically, but he did not give detailed description.

In his later work “French stylistics”, Bally considered the usual combinations and the phraseological ranges as intermediate types of phrases and distinguished only two main groups of the combinations: 1.) the free combinations and 2.) the phraseological unity, i.e. phrases, in which components are always used in these combinations for expressing the same thought, lost its independent meaning. The whole combination takes on new meaning which do not equal the sum of meaning composite parts. Bally showed that it can been compared to the chemical compound and he mentioned that if the unity is commonplace enough, obviously, in this point combination equals usual word. These Ballys’ thoughts later formed the basic of allocation of the phraseological reductons and develop rhe theory of the equivalentse phraseological unit to word. Research of phraseology evolved forward since Bally. But the work of great scientist is written at the peak up studying of the phraseological research. This concept is considered in many works.

Просмотров работы: 1886