VI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2014


Язкулиева А.Ж. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николаевича Столетовых
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The major problem in the theory of phraseology is the question of stability of phraseological units. Without the development of sustainability issues it is impossible to establish boundaries of phraseology and becoming phraseology as a linguistic discipline.

For the correct understanding of sustainability, the statement of W. Ross Ashby, plays the big role, who claims that all meanings of the word 'stability are associated with the basic idea of invariance, which is despite the sequential change of the whole system, some of its properties (invariant) remain unchanged. Considering the stability of phraseological units as a complex concept as inherent invariance. Phraseological stability is the amount of invariance inherent to various aspects of phraseological units, that may influence their reproducibility in finished form and identity for all of usual and occasional changes. This definition is based on an understanding of sustainability as phraseologism dynamic phenomena, as it enables to distinguish different degrees of stability. The maximum degree of inherent stability phraseology, not allowing any regulatory changes.

The dynamic nature of sustainability is evident not only in the possibility of providing its various degrees, but also that the amount of invariance may increase or decrease. Increased invariance is the path of becoming FU, which every idiom runs, and the reduction of invariance is the path to dephaseologization.

It should be also taken into account that there are different types of stability: idiomatic, and idiophraseomatic phraseomatic. For instance, E. Belyaevskaya rightly notes that the study of the dynamic aspect of stability is of exceptional interest both in terms of determining the boundaries of idiomatic language and fund the development of objective criteria for identifying different types of stable combination of words, and in terms of a clearer understanding the lawsof formation of the system of language and phraseology processes occurring in it [Belyaevskaya 1984: 3].

Список литературы

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Беляевская Е.Г. Английская фразеология: основные направления исследования // Вопросы фразеологии: Сб. науч. тр. / Моск. гос. пед. ин-т иностр. яз. им. М. Тореза, I980. – Вып. 168. – С.36-67.

Беляевская Е.Г. Динамические аспекты устойчивости словосочетаний // МГПИИЯ им.М. Тореза. –М., 1984.

Fedulenkova T. Biblicisms in Education and Culture // Abstracts: The Fifth Circumpolar Universities Cooperation Conference. – Luleå, Sweden, 1997. – P. 147.

Fedulenkova T. Diachronic Approach to the Study of Communicative Phraseological Units // Northern Development and Sustainable Livelihoods: Towards a Critical Circumpolar Agenda. – Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen, 6th CUCC, 1999. – P. 41-42..

Fedulenkova T. Development of English proverbs // Sociolinguistic Symposium 2000: Abstracts. – Bristol: University of the West of England, 2000. – P. 172.

Fedulenkova T. Discourse value of biblical proverbial idioms in English // Textual Secrets: The Message of the Medium: Book of Abstracts of 21st PALA Conference. – Budapest: British Council, 2001. – P. 15.

Fedulenkova T. Idioms as an Effective Means in Intercultural Approach // Approaches to Teaching English in an Intercultural Context / Meta Grosman (ed.). – Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, 1997. – P. 67-74.

Fedulenkova T. Idioms in Business English: Ways to Cross-cultural Awareness // Domain-specific English: textual practices across communities and classrooms / Giuseppina Cortese & Philip Riley (ed.). – Bern; Berlin; Bruxelles; Frankfurt am Mein; New York; Oxford; Wien: Lang, 2002. – P. 247-269.

Fedulenkova T. Idioms of Biblical Origin in the English Language // Language and Literature. – Volume 2 // http://www.tsu.tmn.ru/frgf/journal/htm, 1998. – № 2. – 13 p..

Fedulenkova T. The problem of the Universal and the Unique in Phraseological Units of Some Germanic Languages // Языки в современном мире: Материалы Международной конф. – Москва: МГУ, Нац. общ. прикладной лингвистики, 2001. – С. 128-129.

Fedulenkova T. Phraseological Units in Discourse: Towards Applied Stylistics by Anita Naciscione, 2001. Riga: Latvian Academy of Culture, pp. xi + 283, ISBN 9984 95 19 01 // Language and Literature. – London, 2003, № 12 (1), p. 86-89.

Fedulenkova T. A new approach to the clipping of communicative phraseological units // Ranam: European Society for the Study of English: ESSE 6 – Strasbourg 2002 / Ed. P. Frath & M. Rissanen. – Strasbourg: Université Marc Bloch, 2003. – Vol. 36. – P. 11-22.

Fedulenkova T. Isomorphism and Allomorphism of English, German and Swedish Phraseological Units Based on Metaphor // Phraseology 2005: The many faces of Phraseology: Proceedings of an interdisciplinary conference. – Louvain-la-Neuve, 2005. – P. 125-128.

Fedulenkova T. Is Phraselogy Typologically Relevant? // Collocations and Idioms 1: The 1st Nordic Conference on Syntactic Freezes / Ed. Marja Nenonen / University of Joensuu, 2006. – P. 51-52.

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