VI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2014


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It is known that at present time Yekaterinburg as an industrial, economic, cultural and sport centre is preparing for a large-scale international events: the world Championship in programming (2016), the FIFA World Cup (2018) and perhaps for the world exhibition " EXPO-2020, as well as to a number of other important meetings. The objective of this publication is analytical review of the information about problems of hotel enterprises readiness in Yekaterinburg.

It is significant that historically Sverdlovsk (the name was given to the city in 1924-1991) for had been closed for visits by foreign delegations a long time as one of the towns with defense industry in USSR. Business travelers, who had visited the city posted in the factory hostels. Therefore, hotel infrastructure of the city was developed very poorly.

Active development of hotel industry in Yekaterinburg begun in 2003, when active investment were made in this industry, and the number of hotels in Yekaterinburg risen more than 50%. (http://www.hotelnews.ru/3/13/2937/)

A powerful stimulation of hotel business development in Yekaterinburg was the holding of the summit of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and the summit of the Shanghai cooperation Organization (SCO) in June 2009. For these international meetings were built and commissioned 10 new hotels, with room Fund 1064 places in 2008-2009 (http://www.sutki66.ru/recommend/tourism-1/gostinichnyj_biznes_v_ekaterinburge/).

Because of state supporting and credit such investments in hotel business became possible, the majority of credits were obtained before the global crisis. So, before the summit of SCO were built new comfortable hotels «GrandHall hotel» (80 places), «Parus» (80 places), «Vizavi» (32 places), Palladium (16 apartments, 32 places), Onegin Plaza» on 200 places and other

Large international hotel chains came in Yekaterinburg with well-established standards of guest service - Hyatt Regency Yekaterinburg (296 rooms on 360 places), Ramada (160 places), Novotel Yekaterinburg Centre (168 rooms), Angelo (211 rooms). Their construction helped not only increase the number of rooms, but also the quality of hotel service.

Hotel boom reduced to existing hotels reconstruction: «Iset’», «Layner», «Green Park Hotel «Uktus», «October» and others. Thanks to the fact that 27 hotels received certification, one of which («Atrium Palace Hotel») received the status of a five stars hotel, six hotels received the status of four stars, and seven hotels received category «three stars».

According to the city administration, today the hotel Fund in Yekaterinburg has 101 hotels with a total room fund 5000. The occupancy of city hotels, experts estimate very high: an average index 63% is considerably higher than the level when object becomes profitable (http://www.frontdesk.ru/vetka.cgi?vetkaid=41615).

It is significant that according to the requirements of FIFA, the city which can conduct matches of group stage of the world Cup in 2018, must have at least two hotels of category five stars and eight hotels of category four to five stars, at all in the city should be about 7.7 thousand places in hotels with category above two stars (http://www.expo66.ru/news/hostes/1375159355.html)

Committee for organization of consumer services of population in Yekaterinburg administration is sure, that of the city does not need four-five stars hotels, because the cost of habitation in Yekaterinburg is near to the capital's mark: about 3.5 thousand a day. Experts consider that the price is very high and does not allow hosting mass events. That is why the administration wants to make economy class enterprises: up to 2020 Yekaterinburg should receive about 20 hotel facilities, including mini-hotels, two stars hotels and hostels. However, it should be notice that economy class hotels do not need Parking and comfortable entry roads. So it is possible that the city will meet massive flows of future visitors of the world Cup in the narrow yards and on the first floors of dwelling houses

At the same time officials of the Yekaterinburg administration declare about the intention to continue the dotted building of the city centre. It is notable that the land for new hotels was picked out. At this stage procedures for approval are carry out in the city administration (http://www.frontdesk.ru/vetka.cgi?vetkaid=41615).

Despite the fact that the city is need badly in hotels with average price, neither the municipality nor the sphere preferences do not offer this for investors. Exclusion are only global investment projects with cost more than one billion rubles, which received tax benefits from regional authorities in the last year (http://www.frontdesk.ru/vetka.cgi?vetkaid=41615).

Today there are five foreign operators in Yekaterinburg (Park Inn, Hyatt, Ramada, Angelo, Novotel).On 31.12.2012 the total number of classified hotels is 37. Total number of rooms in them is 2642 (53% from the General number of places in Yekaterinburg hotels).In 2009 in Yekaterinburg by the initiative of Sverdlovsk region hotels the hoteliers Club was established. Its goal is to unite hoteliers for solving common problems and tasks, and to exchange experiences.

It should be noted that personnel is actively preparing for the hotel industry in Yekaterinburg. Thus, fifteen universities and nine colleges prepare specialists for the sphere of socio-cultural service and tourism in the city.

So, in general, the development of hotel industry in Yekaterinburg is progressing fast. Newly opened and reconstructed enterprises are up quality and requirements stardom categories. This will allow to lead the hotel infrastructure of the city to a level, which organizers require. In the future, the city will have the opportunity to develop not only as a center of business tourism, but also as the center of other types of tourism, including cultural-educational, sports, event-trigger.


  1. http://www.hotelnews.ru/3/13/2937/

  2. http://www.frontdesk.ru/vetka.cgi?vetkaid=41615

  3. http://www.sutki66.ru/recommend/tourism-1/gostinichnyj_biznes_v_ekaterinburge/

  4. http://www.luxa.ru/articles/gostinichnyj-biznjes-jekatjerinburga-pjerspjektivy-razvitija/

  5. http://www.clubhotel.ekatr.ru

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