VI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2014


Абрамов Д.Е. 1, Красноперова А.Г. 2
1Краснодарский Технический Колледж
2Краснодарский технический колледж
Текст работы размещён без изображений и формул.
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Automation of manufacture is one of major factors of the modern scientific and technical revolution opening before mankind unprecedented opportunities of transformation of the nature, creation of huge material riches, multiplication of creative abilities of the person.

Process of automation began much earlier than to us could seem, automation actually has appeared practically at once with occurrence of manufacture, and in itself manufacture exists already so a long time, that anybody is exact and will not tell. We shall start to consider with occurrence of automatic devices.

Automatic devices - prototypes of modern automatic devices - have appeared in an extreme antiquity. However in conditions fine handicraft down to 18 century of practical application they have not received manufacture and remaining entertaining "toys", testified only to high art of ancient masters. Perfection of instruments and receptions of work, the adaptation of machines and mechanisms for replacement of the person in productions have caused at the end of 18 century - the beginning of 19 century sharp jump of a level and scales of the manufacture, known as industrial revolution of 18-19 centuries.

Industrial revolution has created necessary conditions for mechanization of manufacture first of all spinning, weaver's, K.Marx has seen essentially new direction of technical progress in this process and has prompted transition from application of separate machines to " automatic system of machines " in which for the person there are conscious functions of management: the person becomes near to process of manufacture as its controller and the traffic controller. The major inventions of this period became inventions by Russian mechanic I.I.Polzunovym of an automatic regulator of supply of a steam boiler (1765) and English inventor Dzh. Watt created a centrifugal regulator of speed of a steam machine (1784) becoming after that the basic source of mechanical energy for a drive of machine tools, machines and mechanisms.

Since 60th of 19 century, in connection with fast development of railways, necessity of automation of a railway transportation and first of all creations of automatic devices of the control of speed for good safety movements of trains became obvious. In Russia one of the first inventions in this direction were the automatic index of speed S.Prausa's engineer - mechanics (1868) and the device for automatic registration of speed of movement of a train, time of his arrival, duration of a stop, a departure time and a site of the train, created by engineer V.Zalmanom and mechanic O.Graftio (1878). That on the Moscow - Brest railway already in 1892 there was a department of «the mechanical control of trains " testifies to a degree of distribution of automatic devices in practice of railway transportation.

The doctrine about automatic devices till 19 century became isolated in frameworks of the classical applied mechanics considering them as detached mechanisms. Bases of a science about automatic control in essence for the first time have been stated in clause of English physics J. K.Maksvella " About regulation " (1868) and work of Russian scientist I.A.Vyshnegradskogo " About regulators of direct action " (1877) in which for the first time the regulator and the machine were considered as uniform system. A.Stodola, J.I.Grdina and N.E.Zhukovsky, developing these works, gave a regular statement of the theory of automatic control.

With the advent of mechanical sources of electric energy - electro machine generators constant and an alternating current - and electric motors there was possible a centralized development of energy, its transfer on significant distances and differentiated use on places of consumption. Then there was a necessity for automatic stabilization of a pressure of generators without which their industrial application was limited. Only after the invention of regulators of a pressure from the beginning of 20 century the electric power began to be used for a drive of the industrial equipment. Alongside with steam machines which energy was distributed by shaft and belt drives on machine tools, the electric drive which in the beginning has superseded steam machines for rotation of transmissions was gradually distributed also, and then received and individual application, i.e. machine tools have started to equip with individual electric motors.

Transition from central a drive to individual in 20th of 20 century has extremely expanded opportunities of perfection of technology of machining and increase of economic benefit. Simplicity and reliability of the individual electric drive have allowed mechanizing not only power of machine tools, but also management of them. On this basis have arisen and have received development various machine tools - automatic devices, multitier modular machine tools and automatic transfer lines. Wide application of the automated electric drive in 30th of 20 century not only promoted mechanization of many industries, but has in essence begun modern automation of industry.

In our country development of the automated control facilities and began regulations of productions simultaneously with creation of the heavy industry and mechanical engineering. In 1930 has been organized a committee on automatics for a management of works on automation in power. In board of All-Union electro technical association in 1932 it has been created by a bureau of automation and mechanization of factories of electro industry. Began application of automated equipment in heavy, easy and food-processing industry, transport automatics was improved. In special mechanical engineering alongside with separate automatic devices conveyors with a compulsory rhythm of movement have been commissioned. The All-union association of exact industry on manufacture and installation of devices of the control and regulation was organized.

In scientific research institutes of power, metallurgy, chemistry, mechanical engineering, municipal services laboratories of automatics were created. Branch and all-Union meetings and conferences on prospects of its application were carried out. Technical and economic researches of value automation of manufacture for development of industry in various social conditions have begun. In 1935 in Academy of Science of USSR the Commission of telemechanics and automatics for generalization and coordination of research works in this area began to work. It was begun the edition of magazine «Automatics and telemechanics ".

In 1936 D.S.Harder (USA) defined automation as «automatic manipulation details between separate stages of production ". Apparently, in the beginning this term designated linkage of machine tools with the automatic equipment of transfer and preparation of materials. Later Harder has distributed value of this term to each operation of production.

High economic efficiency, technological expediency and frequently operational necessity promoted a wide circulation of automation in the industry, on transport, in techniques of communication, in trade and various spheres of service. Its basic preconditions: more an effective utilization of economic resources - energy, raw material, the equipment, labor and capital investments. Thus quality improves and uniformity of let out production is provided, reliability of operation of installations and constructions raises.

We consider automation of manufacture as one of the most powerful factors of development of a national economy of the country, which carries out it on the comprehensive plan coordinated to corresponding assignments and material support.

During 1928-41 the first factories making devices and the equipment of automatics and telemechanics for automation of manufacture have been created. During Great Domestic war (in 1941-45) automation of manufacture had huge value in material support of front and satisfaction of needs of the defensive industry of country. In1946-50 the further automation in power, the chemical, oil and petrochemical industry, wide introduction in manufacture of the automated electric drive has been stipulated. The program of further development of automation of manufacture during 1953-58 provided, in particular, mechanization of works and automation of manufacture at the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy, in mining industry, in mechanical engineering, and also full automation of hydroelectric power station.

In a metal-working industry machine tools with program management have appeared. For manufacture of mass production have been applied роторные automatic transfer lines. In explosive chemical manufactures has received a wide circulation telemechanical management of processes.

Automation of manufacture is a process in development of a mechanical production at which functions of management and the control, earlier carried out by the person, are transferred devices and automatic devices. It is a basis of development of the modern industry, a general direction of technical progress. Its purpose consists in increasing of efficiency of work, improvement of quality of let out production, in creation of conditions for optimum use of all resources of manufacture. Distinguishing of automation of manufacture consists of partial, complex and full.

Partial automation of manufacture is more exact - automation of separate industrial operations, is carried out when management of processes owing to their complexity or rapidity is practically inaccessible to the person and when simple automatic devices effectively replace it. The working industrial equipment is in part automated, as a rule. In process of perfection of means of automation and expansion of sphere of their application it has been established, that partial automation is most effective when the industrial equipment is developed at once as automated. Partial automation of manufacture is concerned also as automation of administrative works.

Complex automation of manufacture is a site, a shop, a factory, a power station functioning as a uniform interconnected automated complex. Complex automation of manufacture covers all basic production functions of an enterprise, a facilities, service; it is expedient only by advanced manufacture on the basis of the perfect technology and progressive methods of management with application of reliable industrial equipment working under the set or self-organizing program, functions of a man thus is limited to the general control and management of work of the complex.

Full automation of manufacture is the maximum step of automation which provides transfer of all functions of management and the control in a complex - automated manufacture to automatic control systems. It is carried out when manufacture is profitable, steadily, its modes are practically constant, and possible deviations beforehand can be taken into account and also in conditions inaccessible or dangerous to a life and health of a person.

Now there are serious changes in the ideological, organizational and technical plan. The level of customers has essentially raised, new requirements to the automated systems are formed, there are essentially new technologies applying for a role of leadership in systems of automation.

Now three typical a level of automation of the industrial enterprises of the ASM (system of automation of administrative and financial and economic activity), SAD (systems of the automated designing) and ASMTP (systems of automation technological and productions) developed separately and independently from each other. They were projected and created, proceeding from requirements of different divisions of the enterprise and according to various game rules, independently serving different bodies of a uniform organism which, as a matter of fact, and the enterprise is. And, in spite of the fact that healthy, high-grade functioning of any organism demands work of all its parts, is primary they have not been subordinated to the uniform purposes and tasks, remained poorly connected physically and , and is more often not connected at all.

Besides, each of these systems traditionally was under construction under the internal laws. Therefore they practically could not communicate among themselves as talked in different languages, not understanding each other. The situation was complicated also that each of systems was frequently realized on the basis of various equipment rooms, program and information standards.

Only in ASMTP most frequently used standards on technical, the software and industrial networks are totaled more than ten (and are also non-standard decisions). Besides not all decisions were completely open admitting use within the framework of one system of the polytypic equipment which has been released at various times by different manufacturers (both domestic, and foreign). Therefore the consumer frequently got in long-term dependence on one manufacturer and had no opportunity independent to develop and modernize created on its enterprise ASMTP. The similar situation was created and at introduction of systems of other levels.

In these conditions heads of the enterprises had to make a difficult choice: from what to begin automation with the ASM, SAD, and ASMTP; by what standards to be guided.

Created without a comprehensive plan, as a rule, under requirements of various divisions, sites and processes, the systems of automation is not connected among them had problems. And the variety of used standard and non-standard equipment had unusual character. And real efficiency from introduction of automation at the enterprise appeared completely not such what expected, and customers and executors still had deposit of dissatisfaction.

Now first, logic and information into osculation of various levels of automation of a business - level (ASM), a level of designing (SAD) and industrial - technological level (ASMTP) is more and more distinctly shown. Integration of these systems allows automation to become real productive force and to capture the enterprise as a whole, from technologists - operators up to the top management. The enterprise common also should function in uniform information space only in this case there is an opportunity of optimum and operative management of its financial and economic and industrial activity.

Second, there is an intensive rapprochement of standards and technologies of interface of various equipment rooms and the software of automation used both within the framework of one level of automation, and at connection of one level with others. It allows without essential additional expenses to unite in one system the equipment from various manufacturers, both got earlier, and modern and planned to release in the future.

For example, at you domestic controllers R-130 somewhere are already established, and on other sites there are import means of automation of firms Siemens and Modicum. At the correct approach these subsystems once can be connected among themselves in a uniform information network so that further without additional expenses to include in the same network the new equipment which is released by these, and also other domestic or foreign firms.

Introduction of similar open technologies will allow the enterprise to keep investments already enclosed and again put in automation during long term.

Thirdly, rapid development of technologies the Internet and their more and more deep penetration into all levels of system of automation of the enterprises is observed. It opens essentially new opportunities for interaction of users with the automated system. On the one hand, at work in the uniform information environment the user can do without the expert - intermediary between it and system of automation. On the other hand, for reception and transfer of the computer information the space and time are compressed, access to the information becomes the same simple procedure, as well as calls by phone.

Both the head of the top echelon, and the manager on sales, both the bookkeeper, and the operator of the rolling mill can independently, with the help specially for them the developed graphic panels on the screen of the display, not only to request and accept the necessary information, but also to carry out all necessary options of various modes of the information service.

The head without assistance can establish or change sequence and a kind of receipt of the information to the computer right after its inclusions. For example, information is received at first from accounts department, then from a sales department, from a site of target production.

New tendencies of development of automation allow those who has already created the ASM, in full or in part, simply enough to connect to it system ASMTP. To include in general process of electronic document circulation the industrial documentation, such as technological cards, documents of quality assurance, individual passports on products, to receive on the top the operative information from all divisions of the enterprise, switching and industrial - technological.

Those who only starts serious automation, can, in view of features of the enterprise, easy begin it with a technological level, with ASMTP (it was accepted to begin with the ASM earlier, now it is completely not necessary). The investments enclosed in these actions will not be lost.

As a result of an operational experience with systems of the top level they realize, that the information existing at a level of the ASM, there is obviously not enough for acceptance of optimum administrative decisions. The serious analysis degenerates, when the basic technological processes are not included in it, there is no information on reliability, quality, the real cost price of manufacture of a unit of production. The layer of technological parameters should be taken into account necessarily at solving of managing decisions, differently managers still will base only on own intuition and individual experience of it a little in conditions of globalization of the market and a growing level of a competition.

Thus, automation of manufacture can be started from project of the general plan for development of information technologies of the enterprise (this plan is a part of strategy of development of business as a whole in view of market realities and prospects).

This general plan can be rather flexible: when there are means the next stage of works is carried out. However in this process the continuity is very important, therefore for maintenance of steady financing the general plan the special fund of development of information technologies can be created. One of problems of such fund should be insurance of investments of the enterprise in automation, they should not be lost, therefore they need to be planned precisely (including in long-term prospect) and to supervise their expenditure.

The insurance for the enclosed means should be optimum designing of the future system, exception of unproductive expenses at its realization. For example, instead of some times in one year to pull for each of subsystems separately (by the way, rather expensive action), is possible to use the same cable for uniform system and to take off thus years on 5-7 headache with constant alterations and reorganizations.

One more necessary condition of a reliability of such general plan consists that in its creation and an embodiment the first persons of the enterprises should accept direct participation, is especial at a stage of a formulation of requirements to various subsystems of the uniform automated system of the enterprise and at decision-making at their choice. Until recently, for example, for ASMTP these requirements were set by the technologists who are not knowing thoroughly essence of business and tendencies of its development and not having therefore an opportunity to estimate, what information and in what kind should be exported from ASMTP on the top level. In result even already available in an electronic kind in ASMTP the industrial - technological information remained unclaimed more often.

Such situation frequently resulted in serious moral and material losses. So at one known enterprise making under the order of a product of complex forms from easy alloys, the big foreign contract on delivery of production was broke in connection with impossibility to provide individual technological passports on each product separately. For this purpose with ASMTP with authentic fixing automatic information connection of the ASM of the top level was necessary for each product such as raw material, modes swimming trunks and the further processing.

On the contrary, on one of the meat enterprises process of weighing of production in process of meat cutting has been automated also the information acted directly on a level of ASM. It has allowed to find out, first, places of non-productive losses, and second, to provide effective planning an output of basic and collateral production, having increased thus profit of the enterprise more than on 15 %.

For optimization of work of manufacturer automation of manufacture is one of the most functional and effective tools. Modern technologies enable to raise{increase} quality of work of any enterprise, is not dependent on his{its} direction and branch. Complex automation of manufacture not only does{makes} the enterprise by more profitable, but also gives an opportunity to various divisions operatively to cooperate with each other. To name automation of manufacture it is possible not only the optimized document circulation, but also conveniently organized system of distribution of resources.

The primary goal of the modern manufacturer is careful calculation of the cost price of production and revealing of all expenses for its manufacturing. It allows calculating the price of the goods and expected profit. But the automation of modern manufacture directed on clearing of the person from performance of routine functions due to application of machines is not less important.

Various machine tools and the other equipment with program management it is constantly improved, that allows to automate many productions. Besides reduction of time expenses, there is an economy of resources of the enterprise as there is an opportunity to reduce number of workers.

The various programs incorporated in the equipment, allow achieving the maximal accuracy of performance of operations. It results in improvement of quality of production of firm and is positively reflected in reputation of the manufacturer. Besides, automation of manufacture assumes application of systems which are safe in operation and are supplied with numerous mechanisms of prevention of emergencies.

The numerous equipment from modern manufacturers deals as means of automation of manufacture. Company Siemens releases power units, techniques and the specialized sensor controls, and also many other devices, called to facilitate production and to make its more effective. Company Resatron specializes on release industrial and auxiliaries, and firm Baldor - on light engineering and engines constant and an alternating current.

Modern devices of automation of manufacture are qualitative and reliable production. Logic management of the equipment allows to minimize participation of the person in production and to make this process fast and safe. With a view of prevention of the non-authorized performance of operations, devices of automation of manufacture are supplied with function of emergency switching-off.

The modern manufacturer requires the qualitative equipment for performance of productions. As each manufacturer cares of the reputation it cannot suppose deviations and release of defective production. Therefore automation of manufacture is a responsible business to which it is necessary to approach with due attention.

Production from manufacturers Control Techniques, Siemens, Resatron, Baldor and Elmo MC has positively recommended itself. Their production for automation of manufacture differs reliability, high efficiency and long term of operation. The equipment allows to optimize expenses and to make the enterprise more profitable.

The automatic transfer line, system of machines, complex of the basic and the auxiliaries which is automatically carrying out in certain technological sequence and with the set rhythm all process of manufacturing or processing of a product of manufacture or a part of it.

Let's consider the automated line production, application of automatic transfer lines, configuration, management, productivity, efficiency and cost

Enter: management, the control over work of units or sites of a line, their repair and adjustment. Lines, which for performance of a part of operations of production demand direct participation of the person (for example, start-up and a stop of separate units, fastening or moving of a product of processing), refer to semi-automatic. On modern automation conveyers many auxiliary operations (for example, cleaning of waste products of manufacture), quality assurance of production, the account of manufacture are mechanized and automated. On many automatic transfer lines parameters of technological processes are automatically adjusted, automatic moving working bodies, adjustment and readjustment of the equipment are carried out. Creation and introduction of the automatic transfer line is one of the major stages of automation of manufacture, transition from separate automatic devices to automatic systems of machines and the automated complexes frequently uniting various productions.

The automated line production has arisen in some industries (for example, in chemical and food) already in the beginning of 20 century basically on such industrial sites where the technology cannot be organized in another way at all, for example oil. However the term "Automatic transfer line" has appeared much later with reference to systems of metal cutting machine tools and machines. It that qualitative and quantity indicators of the automatic transfer line are taken into account mainly in mechanical engineering and a metal-working industry, in particular, speaks.

In mechanical engineering of Russia the first complex automatic conveyers have been created in 1939 under the offer of rationalize worker in Volgograd tractor factory by I.P.Inochkin. Then on 1-st State factory in Moscow automatic conveyers for turning processing and grinding of details of bearings have been created. The experimental scientific research institute of metal-cutting machine tools in 1936 had been developed projects of automatic conveyers from modular machine tools. Such lines for the defensive industry were under construction within Great Domestic war. Factory "Tools construction" in 1945-46 has made automatic conveyers from modular machine tools for processing case details of tractors and automobiles. In 1947-50 for the first time in global practice in Russia manufacture of aluminum pistons for tractor engines with automation of all processes, including loading of raw material, fusion of metal, batching of the fused metal, casting of preparations, thermal, mechanical, chemical, anticorrosive processing, quality assurance and packing of finished goods has been created in a complex or has been automated. In 1953-55 on 1-st State factory the shop on manufacturing ball and roller bearings, including their processing, the control and assemble has been created in a complex or has been automated.

The further stage in development of automatic conveyers was creation typical multi nomenclature automatic conveyers for processing cylindrical cogwheels, step and shaft. On such lines at insignificant expenses of time for readjustment processing of several same details of the various sizes is possible; at the same time each machine tool of a line can work independently. Development of typical automatic conveyers on the basis of machines and the equipment of wide purpose have created necessary conditions for serial manufacturing automatic conveyers and their introductions in a batch production.

Automatic transfer lines are widely applied in the food-processing industry, manufacture of household products, in electro technical, radio engineering and chemical industries. Automatic conveyers have received the greatest distribution in mechanical engineering. Many of them are produced directly at the enterprises with use already the operative equipment.

Automatic conveyers for processing strictly determined under the form and the sizes of products refer to special; at change of object of manufacture such lines replace or alter. Wider operational opportunities the specialized automated lines for processing same production in the certain range of parameters possess. At change of object of manufacture in such lines, as a rule, only reattune separate units and change modes of their work; the basic process equipment can be in most cases used for manufacturing new same production. The special and specialized automatic conveyers are applied mainly in mass production.

In a batch production automatic conveyers should possess universality and provide an opportunity of fast readjustment for manufacturing various same productions. Such automation conveyers are called universal, or group. A little bit smaller productivity universal automation conveyers In comparison with special it is compensated by their fast readjustment for manufacture of the wide nomenclature of production.

Methods of automation of manufacture and scientific bases of automation develop mainly on 3 directions.

First, develop methods of effective studying of laws of objects of management, their dynamics, stability, dependence of behavior on influence of external factors. These problems{tasks} are solved researchers, designers and technologists - experts of concrete areas of a science and manufacture. Complex processes and objects study methods of physical and mathematical modeling, research of operations with use of analog and digital computers.

Second, determine economically expedient methods of management, carefully prove the purpose and estimated function of management, a choice of the most effective dependence between measured and managing parameters of process. On this basis establish rules of decision-making on management and choose strategy of behavior of production managers in view of results of the economic researches directed on revealing of rational laws of a control system. Specific goals of management depend on technical and economic, social and other conditions. They will consist in achievement of the maximal productivity of process, high quality stabilization of realization of production, the greatest operating ratio of fuel, raw material and the equipment, the maximal volume of realized production and reduction in expenses for unit of a product.

Thirdly, the problem of creation of engineering methods of the most simple, reliable and effective embodiment of structure and a design of means of the automation which is carrying out set functions of measurement, processing of the received results and managements is put. By development of rational structures of management and means of their realization apply the theory of algorithms, automatic devices, mathematical logic and the theory of relay devices. With the help of computer facilities automate many processes of calculation, designing and check of devices of management. The choice of optimum decisions on gathering, transfer and data processing is based on methods of the theory of the information. If necessary multi-purpose use of the big streams of the information the integrated methods of its processing are applied.

The structure of the management optimum chosen for performance of the set purposes, in a combination to a complex of means (measuring, regulating, executive, on gathering and processing of the information of all kinds), in interaction with object of management and the person (the operator, the dispatcher, the controller, the head of a site) on a basis of rationally constructed forms and streams of the information forms the automated control system (ASM). In Russia the system approach to construction and use of a complex of means of ASM, wide these means within the framework of the state system of industrial devices and means of automation (SSD) became a basis of a state policy in area automation production.

Devices enter into a modern ASM for primary formation, automatic extraction and transfer, logic and mathematical processing of the information, the device for representation of the received results to a person, creating of managing influences and executive devices. In SSD all of them are grouped to functional, information and constructive - technological attributes, forming on the unified element base block sets of which necessary modular complexes of means of automation are made.

Now all these methods take place, and also the set of other versions and combinations has appeared.

Set of cooperating system of the managing device and controlled object forms the system of automatic control which shares on:

  • systems of automatic control;

  • keeping up control systems;

  • adaptive or control systems;

  • specialized systems of automatic control.

Systems of automatic control are classified basically on the purpose of management, type of a contour of management and a way of signaling. Originally before systems of automatic control (SАC) tasks of maintenance of the certain laws of change in time of controlled sizes were put. In this class of systems distinguish systems of automatic control (SSAC) which problem includes preservation by constants of value of the controlled size; systems of program management where the controlled size changes under the set program; keeping up systems for which the program of management is beforehand unknown. Further the purpose of management began to communicate directly with the certain complex parameters of quality describing system (its productivity, accuracy of reproduction); to a parameter of quality achievements by it limiting (the greatest or the least) values for what have been developed adaptive, or systems can be demanded.

The last differ on a way of management: in self-adapting systems parameters of the device of management vary, values of controlled sizes will not be achieved yet optimum or close to optimum; in self-organizing systems with the same purpose can vary and its structure. Opportunities of the self-learning systems improving algorithms of the functioning on the basis of the analysis of experience of management are widest, basically. Search of an optimum mode in adaptive SАC can be carried out as with the help of automatic search, and in the image.

The way of indemnification of indignations is connected to type of a contour of management of system. In systems of automatic control managements do not act the signals carrying the information on the current condition of controlled object, or in them are measured and compensated main of indignations, or management is conducted under the rigid program, without the analysis of any factors during work. The basic type of systems of automatic control - closed in which regulation on rejection is carried out, and a circuit of passage of signals forms the closed contour including object of management of management; deviations of the controlled size from desirable values are compensated by influence through a feedback, without dependence from the reasons caused these deviations.

Association of principles of management on arejection and on indignation results in the combined systems. Frequently, besides the basic contour of the management closed by the main feedback, in systems of automatic control there are auxiliary contours (multi plan metric systems) for stabilization and corrections of dynamic properties. Simultaneous management in the several sizes influencing against each other, is carried out in systems of multi coherent management or regulation.

In the form of representation of signals distinguish discrete and continuous systems of automatic control. In the first discrete signals in one point of a circuit are making their position on time or on a level, or both on a level and on time.

The elementary example of system of automatic control is a system of direct regulation of frequency of rotation of the engine. The purpose of management - maintenance of constant frequency of rotation of the flywheel, controlled object - the engine; managing influence - position regulating a throttle; the device of management - a centrifugal regulator, which is displaced under action of centrifugal forces at rejection from a preset value of frequency of rotation of the shaft rigidly connected to a flywheel. At displacement position a throttle changes. The block diagram of the considered example is typical for many systems of automatic control without dependence from their physical nature. The described system represents the closed one-plan metric continuous system of automatic control of the mechanical action, admitting at research.

The industry releases universal regulators, including with influence on a derivative, on integral, extreme regulators, for management of various objects.

The specialized systems of automatic control are widely applied in various areas of technical equipment, for example: a keeping up control system of the copy-milling machine tool on rigid ; control systems of metal-cutting machine tools with program management from a magnetic tape, a punched tape or a punched card (advantages of such management consist in relative universality, ease of reorganization of the program and high accuracy of processing of details); system of program management of the reversive rolling mill, including in the contour the managing computer.

In rather slow technological processes in chemical and a petroleum industry the multi coherent systems of the automatic control which are carrying out regulation of a plenty of connected sizes are distributed; so, at distillation of oil the information on temperature, pressure, the charge and structure of the mineral oil, received from several hundreds gauges, is used for formation of signals of management by tens various regulators. SАC play the important role in aircraft and astronautics, for example the autopilot represents system of automatic control of the connected regulation, and sometimes and self-adapting system. In military technical equipment the precision keeping up systems frequently including computers are applied. At the analysis of many physiological processes in an alive organism, such as blood circulation, regulation of a body temperature at warm-blooded animals, impellent operations, are found out characteristic features of systems of automatic control.

Conclusions. The future is behind full and complex automation of the enterprise as a whole as uniform organism.

It is not necessary to wait for general, full and complex automation of the enterprise tomorrow, too the general approaches are usually for a long time realized and demand too big expenses, and therefore it is necessary to develop the general plan of your automation with attraction of the broad audience of experts and at obligatory participation of customers.

To start it is necessary already today, irrespective of entry conditions and the saved up experience:

  • Whether you work with own programs and databases;

  • Whether use standard office software (such as MS Access or MS Excel);

  • Whether have chosen the specialized programs (1С, Бэст, the Sail, AutoCAD, CADelectro);

  • Whether have introduced corporate information systems (BAAN, Renaissance, the Galaxy)

At definition of a degree of automation take into account first of all its economic efficiency and expediency in conditions of concrete manufacture. Automation of manufacture does not mean unconditional full replacement of the person by automatic devices, but the orientation of his actions, character of his mutual relations with machine changes; work of the person gets new qualitative painting, becomes more complex and substantial. The centre of gravity in labor activity of the person moves on maintenance service of machines - automatic devices and on analytical - administrative activity.

Work of one person becomes same important, as well as work of the whole division (a site, shop, laboratory). Simultaneously with change of character of work the maintenance of working qualification changes also: many old trades based on heavy physical work are abolished, densities of scientific and technical workers which not only provide normal functioning the complex equipment quickly grows, but also create new, more his kinds.

So, in Krasnodarskom technical college prepare the specialist a technician on branch " Automations and service". We conducted the pedagogical experiment on problem of preparation future specialist to chosen to professions.

In the course of experiment participated 24 students of the checking group and 19 students of the experimental group on professions 140448 Technical usages and service electric and electromechanic equipment.

Table 1 - a Correlation of the skills, skill, experience student technical college In percent









Technical skills

(discipline "Technical mechanics")








Manufacture labor skills

(totals manufacture practice of a person)








Manufacture experience

(course designing)








The skill is an intermediate stage of the mastering by new manner of acting, founded on some knowledge which corresponds to correct use its (knowledge) in process of the decision of the certain class of the problems, but has not yet reached skill level. The technical skills correlate with that level of the adopted knowledge (theorems, notions, determinations), which understandable training, can be arbitrarily them is reproduced, used in practice. In the following process of the practical use of this knowledge, it gains the operation feature, emerging in the form it is correct executable actions, controlled determined by the rule. The technical skills of college students were measured by qualitative factor of their knowledge and skills on discipline " Technical mechanics" for the reason determinations of their skills to use the technical knowledge in decision of the problems on determined rule. In the course of experiment to qualitative factors in checking group were perfected on 20,2%, but in experimental group was increased on 47,3%.

The motor skills are gained skills to solve labor problems, handling instrument of labor, with determined by accuracy and velocity as a result professional, production education. This well formed actions, carried to self-acting, in dynamic structure which enter consious components:

- sensitive image worker space,

- image of the executive action,

- plan and program action,

- checking (introductory, intermediate and total) for completion action,

- motor (executive) components,

- correctional components action, process,

- emotional-figurative perception labor action.

The relations between data component movable and possible exchange of time and function between them, but this provide exact and well-timed execution action under broad range external circumstance and internal conditions of the realization labor action. So, on total of the experiment research , labor skills in checking group training at the end of the passing totals manufacture practice of a person were perfected on 31, 5%, but in experimental group students has brought them before self-acting till 100% and have perfected on 36,8%.

The assimilation and using the experience in practice is an intelligent assimilation and remembering is made when opening logical relationships in practical experience (the material). Practical experience is the different auxiliary facilities characterized by conscious use for remembering, executing then role of the sign under its reproduction. Conscious exists in process intelligent, since direct remembering is the first stage of the development to memories, but use internal practical element forms the high stage of the persons’ development to memories. Using the experience, knowledge in practice, and their reproduction is a process of using information in scholastic-labor activity. Using and reproducing the experience is a component part of process of the organized assimilation of knowledge, managed by a teacher. For successful assimilation and using the experience it is necessary an experience and development of knowledge-based skills, containing in its base special, operative knowledge of the rules, on which it is necessary to act. Using the experience (the knowledge) expects: use knowledge in ready type, independent their renewing in accordance with condition of the tasks, problems, not dared in process of the formation earlier. Problem-solving method is often used in this connection by a teacher. Making the constant installation on searching for to permit the problem-solving situation is developing the knowledge-based abilities of a person and forms motivated readiness to creative use of the experience. Using the experience is realized in the manner of practical labor activity, at decision between disciplines tasks, different scholastic special discipline. The main mental operation, being the basis of using the experience: recognition earlier adopted material in new scholastic situation, reproduction and using the abstract knowledge, rules, principle, and laws to concrete condition.

Using the experience is realized as in notional (verbal), so and in figurative form. So, when performing the course designing follows not only to hear the certain detail on drawing, but also know how to mutate their desk side and present the spatial correlations them in statics not only, but also in a speaker (in process of their fabrication and change). In the course of experiment to qualitative factors in a checking group were perfected on 27,5%, but in the experimental group was raised on 42,2%.

Thereby, mastering dug by society of the labor experience and longing to innovation searching for new more making in its professional area, transmission of the minimum of the practical experience, labor skills and skill, developments beside students of the creative practical thinking, industries and consciousnesses of a working person, assimilation by an individual of the social experience by entering him in social ambience, system of the social relationships, on the other hand... the process of active reproducing a person of the system of the social relationships to account his social activity, active cut-in in social ambience is not simply assimilation of the social experience, but also changing him in his own values, installations, orientations.

The experience of integration approach to organizations of the manufacture labor in inter coupling scientifically-theoretical knowledge with practical labor activity, rising from established previous systems of the complex approach to professional-labor education, education, organizations of the manufacture labor, enriched experience of the rule, business communication, developing motor, conditionally-reflex skills and skill, enriched experience which is a factor advantage labor of the professional, possessing solving the problems by life of labor experience, including him in process of the integrations labor, decisions of varied manufacture situations, but except social lifting as a result, also moral and material encouragement professional success, reaching high level in its functioning.


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