VI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2014


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The President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his message "The new political direction of the country with the established strategy Kazakhstan 2050" indicates that “in order to become a competitive country, we have to become literate country”. The message states engineering education and development of a modern system of technical specialties, form a line of public-private partnerships in higher and secondary education, preparation of multi-stage study grants, throughout the country to make specialized educational institutions considering regional specialty of scientific research and engineering education, the problem of legal approval of mandatory work experience in an industrial enterprise in his second year at a university[1].

Implementation issues in the educational process of modern techniques and technologies are reported in the Message of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev. By the State in this direction extensive work are performed. Special ministries and educational institutions intensively mastered techniques and technologies, fully comprehend the international practice.

In the state program on the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2011-2020 [2], the need for organizing e-learning system meeting international standards is the most important. For today the main purpose of informatization of education in the republic is to increase the quality of education on the basis of modern information technology.

Therefore, the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be described as a system aimed to the world educational space. Relevance of the problem under discussion also found in the message to the nation of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev[3].

State program "Informatization of the education System of the Republic of Kazakhstan" has created the objective position of formation of information culture aimed to students of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). With the programm "Internet for Schools" is defined systematic direction of informatization of education. The purpose of the program - to connect to the global information network schools equipped with computers and communications.

Currently the issue of informatization of education based on the following main schools are versatile and accurately under research:

  • professor G.K.Nurgalieva’s informatization of education, pedagogical problems developing electronic textbooks and problems of manufacturing software tools (Sh.T.Abisheva, G.B.Akhmetova, A.S.Kadyrova, G.Kudebayeva, A.Ch.Nakpayeva, N.M.Sagitova, A.I.Tazhigulova, N.Daumov);

  • professor Zh.A.Karayev’s use of information technology (computer) in the learning process of secondary schools, vocational training and problems of studying informatics in secondary, higher education (M.B.Esbosynov, S.V.Rakh, K.Z.Halikova, Zh.S.Sardarova, S.T.Mukhambetzhanova, B.K.Tulbasova, G.G.Begarisheva, B.Abykanova, O.K.Akhmetova);

  • Professor E.Y.Bidaibekov’s problems of preparing students in the use of ICT, teaching Informatics and training specialists of Informatics (Sh.Shekerbekova, G.A.Abdulkarimova, Y.A.Viyushkova, A.Ibashova etc.).

You can also mark a Zh.S.Sardarova’s fundamental research devoted to informatization of primary schools by the scientific-theoretical and practical point of view and identifying profitable ways. In primary schools within using ICT identify studying of mathematics’ increasing observational results of technological pedagogical bases, making its technique and flexibility training of pupils in primary school within using ICT. These problems of development of pedagogical conditions has been discussed in S.O.Zhetpisbayeva and A.B.Medeshova’s scientific research.

The use of modern ICT in managing material production, culture, everyday life, science, education, in all branches implement through the introduction of computer technology and it is a major factor in the development of society. While using ICT, intellectual tendency of society marked on a high level.

New ICT (NICT) in the learning process can not be without the reciprocal action with the student and teacher and their didactic relationship. No matter how the teacher try to educate, if students do not want to be active in learning, if the teacher would not be right to organize the work, then the learning process will not take place properly, the relationship will not be didactic. Therefore, in the course of training in ICT between the teacher and the student must be not only the relationship, but with the help of computer technology influence on the personality by the teacher, the image of the inner world. As a result of interactions of the student should be diligence of settling their own knowledge, skills, behavior and development. This occurs only when we determine the functions of the great scientists.

Now forms and means of informatization of education are very much. In the process of learning to use a complex form of information and telecommunication means is possible only in the creation and use of multifunctional electronic textbooks. Main didactic aim at the use of such electronic textbooks in teaching is education, strengthening the knowledge, skills and observation level of formation of assimilation of skills.

Multifunctional electronic textbooks:

  • to organize studying themselves (pupils);

  • processing, preservation of different information, modeling phenomena, objects, the possibility of using modern information technologies in the organization of training activities;

  • using in the learning process of multimedia technologies, hypertext and hypermedia;

  • intellectual capabilities of students, knowledge, skills, abilities and levels of preparation for subjects;

  • management of studying, to automate the process of observation of the test results, to assign tasks by the intellectual level;

  • makes it possible to control the direction of modern information.

Using computer technology intended to checking the quality of education of primary school pupils; the results of independent work, observation of correction, appointment, collection, preservation; processing information about the objects under study and it gives you the opportunity to implement this in a large volume of information in any form.

While preparing in primary school results of learning observation automated computer program, consider the following:

  1. Using program consists of four interrelated levels: forming of test questions from the sources; printing forms, inspection and evaluation of individual and group tests, preparation and analysis of the results in the form of graphs, tables, drawings.

  2. In order to checking for the user, suggest choosing a theme for the implementation of appropriate exercises

  3. View user’s job opportunities without training.

  4. Protection of files from unauthorized inspection.

  5. Explore possibilities for a lightweight database system for changing tasks, fixing, filling information.

Also, the initial stage of preparation of pedagogical technology consists of the following sections:

  1. Provide teacher methodically.

  2. System of preparing textbooks.

  3. Business teacher training system.

  4. Planning of education process.

  5. General workload of student.

As a result, educational technology must achieve these goals:

  1. Recognize the student as having a natural qualities, developing skills personality.

  2. Bind state and local interests by the individual.

  3. In accordance with the capabilities and abilities of pupils determination of levels of mastery of content knowledge is mandatory.

  4. Giving students the opportunity in accordance with the Education Act to choose your rating.

  5. Refinement of the structure of content knowledge which provides a form of educational institutions.

According to Y.K.Babanski, implementing the main functions of learning in practice, firstly, each type of subjects through the planning of complex problems, secondly, through the examination of the problems of education, training and development: with the conditions that each of these issues will be solved in every lesson will be done through regular analysis between student and teacher who are satisfied with three problems.

In teaching science, the problems of modern education has collected several practices. Problems of organization of lessons in terms to teach through the development studied by K.D.Kirillova, teaching process studied by V.A.Onischuk, H.I.Limets etc.

According to K.D.Kirillova, training or teaching according to the researchers is to manage the training of students and the organization of their training, during our work - organization of research, as well as guide students’ attention, the ability to think, work, etc. put in front of them challenges and continuously monitor them etc.

Information is the implementation of psycho-pedagogical tasks in training and education, providing theory and practical use of modern information technologies in education.

Informatization of education reform is the main direction of which is the formation mechanism of the whole system of education. Its main task is:

  • independently obtain education for every individual;

  • as a result of providing information- methodical education to make effective management system;

  • in learning process to organize cognitive activity of students;

  • use of information technology, such as (need - conditions-object-action-operation).

Today's computer technology features. Such as:

  • technical (types of equipment);

  • software and technology;

  • methodological and organizational;

  • sphere importance of the subject.

Can be said that president Nazarbayev instructed the computerization of secondary schools has been fully implemented. However, we cannot say that the process of informatization of secondary schools fully implement. It is only the material equipment. It is written in the concepts of education RK.

Informatization of Education System is the implementation of psycho-pedagogical problem of training and education, providing theory and practice using modern information technology.In other words, in the process of learning the ability to use information technology and develop its methodology.

Informatization of education system:

  • allow each person to choose a convenient way of learning;

  • change technology of education system;

  • improve the cognitive activity of pupils and students in the process of learning;

  • use of electronic resources in the process of education.

At the moment, "the sphere of information education", "information subject environment", "sphere of professional education information", "computer technology training," training of information technology", "ICT", "multimedia", multimedia technologies," "hypermedia" terms related to the process of informatization of education used in textbooks and scientific articles. Begin to analyze these terms. A word sphere consists of the macro and micro term. The macro sphere socio-economic system, and micro sphere consists of individual, family and collective.

The computer technology training is to gather information, to offer and organize observation, and also a method and way of Computer technologies.The computer technology training is a form of relationship of students and teachers.

The training of information technology is computer hardware and set of telecommunications.

Information telecommunications is telephones, telegraphs, radio using these techniques, we can provide and use information.

In practice of education in telecommunications are computer devices, telephone or satellite links that providing, maintaining, delivering and using information.

Using the Internet resources in elementary school is permissible. Using the program of Paint in the process of training students can decorate their work, as well as for the development of cognitive activity can use different kinds of games.

In the works of L.Y.Belyaev, L.IBerezhnoy, V.V.Vasileva, B.K.Gershunsky, M.P.Zolotuhina, G.V.Ivanova, L.D.Kvirtiya wrote about the features in the system of education informatization. In the works written about pedagogical informatization basic tasks, as well as providing teachers and theoretical aspects of information preservation and use of information.

Today, a child familiar with computers before school, i.e. while he is not mastering academic skills he receives information from the computer. Therefore, the child who joined primary school as a result of work with a computer it is very important for him to get significant information. It is important to have the skills to take what we need, and what is not necessary to throw out.

Direction for the future of young people is in their family, school, society, i.e. throughout the environment. Formation of personality traits in young people, not only in Kazakhstan education, but also needs to exchange practices among the world's civilized nations. Therefore, the willingness to adapt and globalization look at the lives of students is a very important task. Of course, the impact of each sphere of environment on point of view, has a different impact on studying, teaching. Our state, taking into consideration all this, creates great importance on the development of education and its elevation to the world level.

Arises the importance of clarification, refinement organizing lessons, teaching methods and content. So put claim "At each stage of the school, the corresponding task of personal development, to ensure the full implementation of the training content" by the standards of secondary education.

With the development of science and technology, social standard of living is also changing. All this comes out of the strength and intelligence of man. As well as the mind and the knowledge society needs, so the nature and its wealth is necessary.


  1. State program on the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2011-2020. – Astana, 2010, -52p.

  2. Nursultan Nazarbayev. Together into the future. Message from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. – Astana: Elorda, 2011.-44p.

  3. Sardarova Zh.Y. Theory and practice of informatization of primary school education in the novelty of the education. –Phd. syn. Almaty, 2008. – 40p.

  4. Zhetpisbayeva S.O. Methodology of profitability development of observation results of mathematics using ICT in primary school. – Phd. syn.- Almaty, 2009. – 23p.

Просмотров работы: 1176