VI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2014


Измайлова Л.В. 1, Галицкая О.И. 1
1Харьковский национальный медицинский университет
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Considering questions neurovascular relationships one should briefly stop at features of arterial tree of pericardium. The arterial system of the pericardium, which is characterized by numerous noncardiac vascular connections with surrounding tissues and organs, was investigated. The main sources of occurrence of collateral vascular tree intraorganic pericardium are paracardiobursophrenic, thymus, mediastinae and diaphragmatic branches of thoracic aorta. Pericardial folds are the gateway for the entry of extracardiac branches through which under the pathological conditions of the blood can penetrate from exrtacardiac sources to different parts of ischemic myocardium. The present interconnection stalks in the pericardium and the blood vessels are characterized by extreme variability. The variability is provided by division of blood vessels and accompanying nerves. The similarity of the topography and further division is not always expressed clearly enough. The nerve fibers are connected with the vascular wall: they innervate it as well as transmit it. Para vascular nerves around blood vessels from a dense para vascular plexuses.

The results of our investigation suggest that there is a dense neurovascular network in the pericardium. Individual nerve stalks, included in it, often accompany the vessels at a considerable distance and divide with them respectively. Often accompanying vessels leave them and scatter in the surrounding connective tissue. Such relations of vascular and neural elements create an image of networks, significantly developed in the lower portion of antero-lateral surface which corresponds to superior portion of the heart.

Vasculoneural plexuses of the deep layer in comparison with the superficial ones are located equally over the surface of pericardium. The saturation of these vascular plexuses by vascular and neural plexuses considerably concedes the plexus surface layer.

Рис. 1 Сосудисто-нервное сплетение перикарда. Передняя поверхность. Ребенок 1 год.

Рис. 2 Узел ветви левого vagusa. Задняя стенка. Перикард ребенка 4 мес.

Рис. 3 Узел рядом с вервью левого vagusa. Задняя стенка перикарда ребенка до года.

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