VI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2014


Попова А.В. 1, Пастушенко Т.А. 2
1Карагандинский Государственный Университет им.Е.А.Букетова
2Карагандинский Государственный Университет им.академика Е.А.Букетова
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The term "multisensory" means a compound of the training images, words, visual, gustatory and auditory sensations, plenty of music, sounds and imagination.

Multi-sensory approach is used in teaching receptive activities; it is designed more for perception. That is talking about multi-sensory approach; we are talking about multi-sensory perception.

Multisensory teaching technique:

Visual - if you can visualize, imagine in your mind what you are trying to do? Look at the movement as if his inner eye? We must try to understand clearly what you want to do before you start trying to do it. The more people present clearly what he wants to do - the easier it will do.

Sound experience - you need to talk with them about what youre trying to do. For example, consider the rhythm of movement "one-two - three, one -two-three," etc.

Physical sensations - what it feels like this move? Need to try to understand what your body feels when you make this move, they feel poi when doing this movement. Imagine what it feels like this move before you make it. The more people present clearly the feeling, the more he will be able to learn the movements using this technique.

Multisensory learning involves all of these feelings at once.

The multisensory approach plays an important role in learning to read. It is known that in modern methods of teaching English reading was performed by swelling of the whole word (phrase) - not read individual letters or syllables, and whole words and phrases. With this teaching reading student meets two big challenges: first, how to properly pronounce the word aloud (phrase), the second - what it means. Therefore, to solve the first problem, widely used audio support, for solving the second challenge - visualization and motion, this greatly simplifies the understanding of individual words and text as a whole. It was during this teaching reading talking about multi-sensory approach.

Learning to read the whole word method is ambiguous attitude on the part of many teachers and criticized. After a long period in the domestic methods of teaching reading by reading rule few teachers in a hurry to change the attitudes and learn to read in a new way. But here again should consider the establishment of the language environment. Is it, being in a natural language environment, for example, in England, people will learn to read, learning some rules? Most likely he will try to read imitative, repeating for someone. It should build and the teaching of reading for this course. Therefore, we should not forget that multi-touch technique is the method that is designed to solve this problem.

If teaching listening and reading it was a different perception of information senses simultaneously, learning speaking and writing involves the transfer of information through different channels at the same time perception. Thus the scheme will be as follows: "I ​​see - I do - I say (write)."

Therefore, in multisensory approach offered a lot of manual labor - performance craft that are performed in the classroom.

According to scientists, the sense of touch plays a bridging role between vision and hearing, which promotes communication between the senses. In the process of creating crafts children develop fine motor skills of hands, thinking, memory and speech. In the teaching of English is important end result - speaking the language. Of course student must utter what he is doing and, in the future, he will be able to play (describe) their actions and talk about their crafts, possibly dream up, adding something of their own.

Thus, in multi-sensory approach student involved in activities of communication (non-verbal) and describes his experiences in words. Activity and its product (eg, hack or project) is an incentive to the statement. Significant difference multisensory approach is that the activities in teaching and saying speaking (writing) are carried out simultaneously. The product itself activities (crafts, design), and his disciple thought it should be linked. Therefore, all the creative tasks and projects are carried out in the classroom.

When multi-sensory approach, it should be noted that teaching writing and speaking is personally oriented in nature, which is also a model of social communication. Task -oriented student personal choice (color, shape, and attitude). In this approach, the texts are not used for memorization. Rote memorization of texts contrary to natural communication in the language environment.

Thus, a multi-sensory approach - is a method of learning a foreign language, which uses such techniques and methods that are designed for the transmission of information perception and trained various senses simultaneously, cycling different channels of perception (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) that creates the conditions of natural communication in the classroom of a foreign language.

Which main features multisensory learning should remember a teacher?

First, the use of both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication (music, crafts, photos, pictures, objects, movement) is not less but more. It constantly decoding non-verbal information into verbal and vice versa, a student learns quickly and with interest to learn English.

Secondly, with multi-sensory approach to the student is always over -object problem. For him, the creative nature of the job offered, for example, to talk about crafts, show movement, play a game of Dice.

Using a multi-sensory approach, the teacher can involve the student in communication, to create a language environment for foreign language lesson. Make learning accessible and effective.

It should be noted that the multi-sensory approach has no age restrictions. Even an adult who has appeared in the language environment much easier to grasp and convey information using different senses. Therefore, a multi-sensory approach is relevant not only in the low, but in middle and senior management. The only limitation to the use of this approach at the senior stages of learning a foreign language is a lesson.


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