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Chapter 3

Semantic complexity of phraseological units.

§ 13 Determination of phraseological stability

The major problem in the theory of phraseology is in ¬ question of the stability of phraseology.

Impossible demarcation phraseology and becoming phraseology as a linguistic discipline without the development of resistance problems.For correct understanding stability .

For a proper understanding of sustainability is very important W. Ross Ashby’s statement, who claims that all meanings of the word "sustainability" is related to the main idea of invariance, which is that despite the sequential change in the system as a whole, some of its properties (invariants) remain unchanged. [Ashby, 1959, с. 109]. We view sustainability as a complex concept as inherent invariance.

Phraseological stability - is the amount of invariance inherent in the various aspects of phraseological units responsible for their reproducibility in a completed form and identity for all of usual and occasional changes.

This definition is based on an understanding of the stability of phraseology as a dynamic phenomenon, because it provides an opportunity to highlight the different degrees of stability.

The maximum degree of stability characteristic phraseology, which prohibit any regulatory changes. These revolutions are, for example, adverbial phraseological units of the type after all — вконцеконцов, вконечномсчете, ведь;as the crow flies — напрямик, кратчайшимпутем;by heart — наизусть;once upon a time — однажды, некогда;with flying colours — спобедой, победоносно;интенсификаторы типа as they come — исключительно, чрезвычайно, наредкость;like the devil — какчерт, чертовски, дьявольски; phraseological units with ordinative structure: enough and to spare — болеечемдостаточно, большечемнужно; = заглазадостаточно;Jack and Jill — пареньидевушка;пословицы: a great ship asks deep waters — большомукораблюбольшоеплавание;if you run after two hares, you will catch neither — задвумязайцамипогонишься, ниодногонепоймаешь , etc.

High stability of phraseological units facilitated by a number of factors, such as the presence in their structure of obsolete words: spick and span — щегольской;= сиголочки;tit for tat — зубзазуб;экспрессивное переосмысление: come, come! — ну-ну!, полноте, дачтовы!, правоже!; hold your horses — потише!, неволнуйтесь; = легченаповоротах!;condensation of thought in proverbs, etc. At a certain degree of stability maximum stability can serve as a model, taken as 100%.

The dynamic nature of sustainability is evident not only in the possibility of providing its various degrees, but also in the fact that the amount of invariance may increased or decreased.

The increase invariance – FU way of becoming, which runs every idiom, and the reduction of invariance - a way to defrazeologization. It should also take into account the different types of stability (idiomatic, idiofrazeo-cally and frazeomatic). E.G. Belyayevskoye rightly points out that the study of the dynamic aspects that stability are of great interest both in terms of determining the boundaries of idiomatic language and fund the development of objective criteria for distinguishing different types of stable combinations of words, and in terms of better understanding the laws governing the formation of the language and phraseology occurring in it processes.

§ 14. Main indicators of the stability of phraseological

Various classes of peculiar phraseology, both general and particular indicators of sustainability, as a result of which they played in the final form. Four overall sustainability indicator form a minimal phraseological stability:

  1. Sustainability of use - it is an indication that the idiom is a unit of language in the public domain in the language community, not individual traffic, the use of this or that author. Using the idiom is not the nature of citation and is always associated with abstraction phraseological

  2. Semantic complications. Complicated semantic-ties manifested differently in the phraseology of different classes (see § 15). The different types of semantic complications include: full or partial rethinking values ​​neo conversion value, the presence of archaic elements in the phraseology, etc.

  3. Separately designed

  4. Inability education generating structural and semantic models of variable combinations of words

These indicators form a minimal stability zeological Fra-invariant, that is, A minimal set of components as the constant in terms of expression, and in terms of content.

To Minimum PhraseBook invariant is a limit measure frazeologic quite applicable characteristic measures proposed by V.I. Svidersky: "The quality of the unity of the elements and the structure allows for certain changes in its constituent elements without changing the entire structure. Such changes in the quality of this are called quantitative changes. Possible limits of such a change in the elements of the structure are defined measure. Beyond measure with the change of all the elements in general, and even the individual elements of the structure change occurs, there is a jump from one qualitative state to another, a new qualitative state "

This law in the field of phraseology expressed, in particular, in the passage of any future potential frazeologichnosti FU stage, without which the occurrence of FU would be impossible.

Potential idioms, beyond a single use, and acquiring them missing elements of sustainability, such as the use of resistance, leading to the emergence of these phraseological abstraction, are units of language, that is, as in any other process, the gradual accumulation of quantitative changes lead by the shock to the fundamental qualitative change.

Potential phraseological unit of language can be only when it ceases to be a "private property" and become "public property", that is regularly reproduced in the form of speech of the population or part of it, thus receiving social approbation.

This process is done through the use of turnover in many contexts.

Depending on what material was the basis for the future idiom, turnover pass certain stages of development. This is the pattern frazoobrazovatel-tion process. Thus, for the phraseology, formed from variable combinations of words, usually characterized by a three-step development path.

1)burn one's fingers — обжечьпальцы- AC phrase formed by generating structural and semantic models

burn one's hand, leg, nose etc.

2) the potential idiom.- обжечьсяначем-л First individually copyright use of this turnover. Turnover reinterpreted: metaphor, based on the similarity of the action:

I do not care for burning my fingers in a quarrel ("Guardian", 1713, No 108).

3) phraseological unit- обжечьсяначём-л.:

"After all, you must admit that my advice was good!" "Very good."

"And the wretched boy ought to have burnt his fingers." "Well, he hasn't" (W.S. Maugham).

Unlike the prototype, the verb in the PU coupled only with the word fingers, eliminating regularly in a structural and semantic modeling of typical AC prototype. In the communication process from the prototype singled generating structural and semantic model, and PU played in finished form. Although frazoob-cational models are models of description and not of generation, they still point to one of the possible paths of development in the event that a variable combination of words undergo frazeologizatsii. And will this process take place or not, unpredictable. Semantic features of the prototype variables affect the semantics of the PU. Thus, the negative impact of the variable prototype burn one's fingers eliminates PU with a positive value. Similar examples are: come a cropper-— потерпетьнеудачу, крах(букв.: «упасть с лошади вниз головой»); put a spoke in smb.'s wheel — вставлятьпалкивколеса;rock the boat — подвергатьопасности, ставитьподудар(букв.: «раскачивать лодку»); throw mud at smb. — облитьгрязьюкого-л., смешатьсгрязьюкого-л. (букв.: «швырять грязь в кого-л.») etc.

Grammatical affiliation prototype determines the grammatical identity of PU. Thus, verb phrases alternating burn one's fingers allows only verbal PU Education, substantive variables combining a big fish in a little (or small) pond-местныйтуз, заправила(букв.: «большая рыба в маленьком пруду»), a digestion of an ostrich — всеядный, «луженый» желудок(букв.: «желудок страуса») etc.

In the process of forming frazeologizatsii connotative dimension values as a result of imagery. Frazeologizatsiya also leads to increased value. If the variable prototype negative limited burnt fingers, the scope of the negative impact of idiom is quite broad. It is presented in its meaning potential semami that are not canceled, but may be realized in different contexts with occasional use of phraseology.

For PU, rising to potential phraseology, ie with no other prototypes, typical two-stage development path: a potential idiom - Fe. Ktakim PU include, for example, proverbs like an idle brain is the devil's workshop = праздность — матьвсехпороков;an unfortunate man would be drowned in a tea-cup = когданевезет, можноивложкеводыутонуть;bad news has wings — дурнаямолванакрыльяхлетит;extremes meet — крайностисходятся etc.

This group also includes phrases and sayings based on fanta ¬ acoustic images, such as (as) drunk as a boiled owl {разг.) — вдребезги, вдрызгпьян; = пьянвстельку;(as) pleased as a dog with two tails — оченьдовольный;= рад-радешенек;the tail wagging (или wags) the dog — «хвоствиляетсобакой», т.е. подчиненныйкомандуетсвоимначальником(turnover created by Rudyard Kipling), etc. These models explain the mechanism of formation of phrases.

Prototype idiom - is motivating the base *, which is related idiom derivational relations in synchrony or diachrony.

Thus, the prototype - is not only linguistic units or variable combinations of words, but "various associative relationships: historical, folklore, text, that is, the fund of general knowledge related to historical traditions, facts, reality, folklore performances, religious beliefs and their attributes ... "

The value of the variable element of the prototype is the potential of the semantic structure of PU with live internal form. This is proved in the context of the use of widespread double stylistic device update based on a double perception: the NCCA plays PU values ​​and the literal meaning of its prototype AC or NCCA plays EF values ​​and the literal meaning of one, two or three of its components (see § 19).

Bread and butter — средство к существованию (букв.: «хлеб и масло»):

"One manages to earn one's bread and butter" — as usual he could not keep up and he winked — "and a little piece of cake" (C.P. Snow).

Words and a little piece of cake pull together PU value and the value of its variable prototype that gives utterance joking nature.

Keep one's hair on — сохранять спокойствие, не горячиться (букв.: «сохранить волосы»):

"We all know you're a bit of a snob, Uncle Hector,"

his niece grinned.

"Really, my dear girl, you permit yourself..."

"All right, all right! Keep your hair on. You cannot

afford to lose any of what you have left" (C. Mackenzie).

Dual updated reports teasing niece and uncle.

Take the plunge — сделать решительный шаг, принять серьезное решение (букв.: «окунуться»):

Vicky: Take the plunge, my darling. We're alone in the

swimming-bath. Simon: Would you consider divorcing me? (N. Coward).

Vicky uses turnover in the literal sense. Simon also sees it as idiom, as this conversation was preceded by a quarrel spouses. The unexpected use of EF and AC prototype creates a significant stylistic effect.

Be all ears — превратиться в слух, слушать с напряженным вниманием:

"I'm all ears."

Ms. IRS replies, "Yeah, I noticed they were rather large" ("People". March 30, 1987).

Double update is used to express sarcasm.

Thus, the inner form is determined by its prototype FE (see § 36). The distance that the turnover became phraseology - is becoming its sustainability.

The totality of the above indicators of sustainability is characteristic only of phraseology. Separately, we take measures can apply to other units of language, as all units of language are stable, but each of them characterized by its own set of sustainability indicators. For example, the most important indicator of the strength of morphemes is their use only in the composition of words. Impossibility of generating phraseology on structural and semantic model of alternating combinations of words determines the stability of the lexical phraseology, which is expressed in the same phraseology in nepodmenyaemosti their components, and the other - in the strict regulation of such substitution. Morphological stability of many of phraseology is expressed in the fact that all of the components or some of them have zero paradigm, ie are words with no meaningful paradigm. Zero paradigm observed in cases where all or some of the components of phraseology are single word forms, and these words have a paradigm shift in the composition of variable combinations of words, for example, how do you do? for inadmissibility how did he do? or how does he do?

The second indicator of morphological stability of phraseology is the presence in their structure of components with limited paradigm compared with the same words in variable combinations of words.

So, turn it (or that) goes without saying {colloq.)-самособойразумеетсяallows only change the verb: it (or that) went without saying. A similar phenomenon is observed in many FE: as the day is (or was) long -исключительно, чрезвычайно, it stands (или stood) to reason — совершенноочевидно etc.

Morphological stability, that is morphological failure, is not included in the minimum number of indicators phraseological stability, since many of phraseology different degree of morphological stability, making it difficult to establish the minimum essential characteristics frazeologichnosti this type of stability, but they should be considered as the description of phraseology as an indicator of their razdelnooformlennosti and for their use. The same is true of the syntactic stability, manifested in a stable order, the up ¬ indulges only some regulatory changes, such as the formation of the passive voice (see § 17). Morphological and syntactic sustainability performance may vary depending on the grammatical structure of the language.

§ 15. Semantic stability of phraseological units

Semantic stability, as expressed in the complications of the semantic structure of different types of FE, which is manifested in different ways.

Idiomatic includes idiom or idioms, that is, stable combinations of tokens from all or part of the value reinterpreted with a high specific gravity connotative aspects, that is his expressive evaluation, emotive, figurative and other components. Consideration of the semantic structure of phraseology a chapter 8 of the book. Description of the various structural and semantic classes a special chapter, so this section we restrict ourselves to general considerations, anticipates the subsequent treatment. Includes both idiomatic phraseological unity (burn one's fingers — обжечьсяначём-л.; all is not gold that glitters (поел.) — невсётозолото, чтоблестит etc) and phraseological fusion kick the bucket {разг.) загнуться, умереть;= протянутьноги;send smb. to Coventry — бойкотироватького-л., прекратитьобщениескем-л. Etc) imagery that can recover diachronically.

Entire level PU is one literal, that is some rethinking. This adjectival and verbal comparisons (see § § 64, 81), in which the first component is used in a literal sense. As a part of many PU meet archaisms, nowhere else used: at bay* загнанный, вбезвыходномположении;be at smb.'s beck* and call — бытьвсегдаготовымкуслугам;= бытьнапобегушкахetc) Some PU widely used as different parts of the sentence. For example, PU a white elephant- a burden, a gift from which you do not know how to get rid - can be used as a phrase to be, part of a compound nominal predicate, phrase direct or indirect additions etc. But some Fe has structurally constructed meaning, ie associated with a specific design. An example is that of PU (or your) foot = такяиповерил!; — чертасдва!, черталысого! This FE expressed strong disagreement with the previous statement, and requires repetition of a word or words in this statement. Very often, after it is pre explanatory position.

Judith: I t's so silly to get cross at criticism — it indicates

a small mind. David: Small mind my foot (N. Coward)

"But it's a serious matter for you!"

"Serious my foot! Why should I worry" (H.E. Bates).

The absence of semantic invariant, which are signs of variability, destroys the identity of PU.

Give an example of deformation that violates identity Fe. Widespread PU be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth- всорочкеродитьсяhost John Galsworthy as follows:

Не was staring at a silver spoon. He himself had put it in her mouth at birth! (J. Galsworthy. "The Silver Spoon").

Deformation values ​​based on lexical deformation. FE is divided into two parts, one of which is in the first sentence, and the other - in the second. In addition, be born with replaced put in, which completely changes the meaning.

The result of this structural and semantic strain FE in this context falls, although the link with the prototype and not completely lost.

Many idioms retain their value in unchanged for centuries. But it certainly should not be concluded that the resistance value means impossible ¬ sion of changes, the formation of new values ​​or the obsolescence of certain values. Here is just one example:

PU there's no love lost between them (or us), which appeared in the XVII century., The first half of XIX century mean они любили друг друга and was used in the opposite sense:

Топу: ... we grumble a little now and then to be sure. But there's no love lost between us (O. Goldsmith. "She Stoops to Conquer". Act. IV, sc. I. 1773).

He must needs say, there was no love lost between some of my family and him: but he had not deserved of them what they had of him (S. Richardson. "Clarissa". Vol. Ill, 134. 1768).

In modern English the first value is ¬ is obsolete. Turnover is used only in the sense they (or we) can not stand (can not) of each other, they (or we) disliked each otherю

Elizabeth: It has struck me that whenever they started

fripping you took a malicious pleasure in

goading them on. C.-C. I don't think there's much love lost between

them now, do you? (W.S. Maugham. "The


Semantic stability idiofrazeomaticheskih speed type mark time - this is the constancy of their semantic structure, as expressed in the presence of two frazeosemantical options - literally, usually terminology (voen.) [mark time) and completely rethinking (mark time, idle). These unique combination of options frazeosemantic give complicated semantic data structure Defence comrade. Frazeosemantic second option - a derivative of the first, metaphorical reinterpretation of which he is. An analogous semantic structure, ie structure of phrases typical of other idiofrazeomatizms.

The structure includes phrazeomatik turnovers with complicated value - the result of an ugly transformation.

1. Momentum with the converted value, the semantic complications which is that their values ​​are not the sum of the values ​​of their components, and the new values, for example, good morning, good afternoon, good night, etc.

2. Speed-Advanced with surplus value, for example, an affair of honour - a matter of honor, a duel; first night - of the Prime etc.

3. The so-called phrasal alignment (see § 84), ie rpm with surplus-value Advanced, a symbolic gesture, for example, knit one's brows — нахмуриться;nod one's head — кивнуть;shake one's head — покачатьголовойetc

The surplus-value differs from Advanced figurative meaning that arises neo verbal groups and does not appear in the result of rethinking the value of turnover, and its refinement. In this case, the literal meaning of the components included in the value frazeomatizma in general and is usually fixed in the definition of, for example, wring one's hands - squeeze them together (indicating despair, sorrow, etc. ALD).

4. Proverbs with a literal meaning, for example, a friend in need is a friend indeed — друзьяпознаютсявбеде;a good beginning makes a good ending = доброеначалополделаоткачало;better late than never — лучшепоздно, чемникогда;so many countries, so many customs — сколькостранстолькообычаевetc.

Proverbs are generalizing value. In the above proverbs generalizing value expressed binary structure based on the identification of or opposition to the values ​​of the components. This expresses the semantic structure of proverbs complications of this type.

5. Momentum with frazeomaticheski associated value. In these revolutions lead compound value is derivable only from the formations within which this component is used: pay a call (a visit) — нанестивизит;pay attention (heed, no mind) — обращатьвнимание;bear smb. a grudge (malice, rencour, spite или an ill-feeling) — затаитьпротивкого-л. злобу.

Speed ​​bear kindness, love, sympathy, etc. are not allowed. On the classification of V. Vinogradov is phraseological combinations. Such speeds tend to increase the compatibility of a lead compound, therefore, to expand the scope of use frazeomaticheski associated component. Such a process leads to an approach speed with frazeomaticheski associated value to the variable expressions. As a result, the boundaries between them are extremely unstable. Momentum with frazeomaticheski associated value on the periphery of idiomatic background language (see § 27). The traditional type of speed come to an end — подойтикконцу;fail in one's duty — невыполнитьсвойдолг;hope for the best — надеятьсяналучшееetc , and descriptive names such as a book of reference - Reference no complicated matter and they are not the object of study of phraseology. Controversial is the transfer of all the revolutions in the management of terminological phrases, as many of them are formed by generating structural and semantic models and combinations of variables are changeable stable turn. All of the above should be read in turnover lexicology and approach them from a purely lexicological positions.

Are not subject to the phraseology and phrases with a narrow lead compound value (see § 6).

Such a division of labor between lexicology and phraseology allows you to set the boundaries of phraseology and in no way does not violate the harmony of presentation lexicological material.

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