V Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2013


Скоробогатов.Д.Д. Золотухина В.П.
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  • Good afternoon. My name is Dmitry Skorobogatov. I am a student of Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University. I study at the faculty of power engineering, transport and marine technologies. My specialty is: "The power & energy engineering ". Graduates of this specialty have good opportunities to get work at the thermal stations. We study different themes in English which are connected with our future profession. At the classes we study various physical terms, elements of station and physical processes connected with electricity and thermal energy.

  • What is English necessary at power station for?

  • I think that people who work at thermal stations, have to know English very well. It is connected with that many parts, mechanisms and devices are made abroad. It means that the most part of documentation and designations on the devices are in English. The qualified worker has to understand all designations and device parameters. Knowledge of the language concerning this specialty is obligatory as various conferences are often conducted with foreign stations workers. At these conferences workers exchange opinions and can solve any problems in common. Foreign delegations can arrive at the Russian power stations to acquaint with the operation of them. If a worker knows English well, he can tell all the information in details and leave good impression about the station.

  • I, as a future worker of heat power station, think that knowledge of English is very important. It will help me to overcome any difficulties and perform work more qualitatively. I think that the knowledge of foreign languages, makes a person more educated and produces good impression. But it is very important today.

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