V Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2013


Магзумхан А.М. 1
1Карагандинский государственный университет им.Е.А.Букетова
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Today’s children are Kazakhstan’s future. Thus, these children must be well educated and cultured, to be able to live in the globalized world of tomorrow. Our mission in nurturing the future of Kazakhstan lies in encouraging the children to love his/her mother country. The youth (children) first need to understand the importance of having a sense of patriotism toward his/her country. In this effort, the role of national educational ministry of the Kazakh Republic is gigantic. Kazakhstan is unique in many perspectives. It has large natural resources, but a small and diverse ethnic population, and it has the ninth largest territory in the world. Therefore, the future of Kazakhstan must be able to compete on the international level acquiring the right education, skills and knowledge in various fields contributing to the national goal of uplifting Kazakhstan to be one of the top fifty developed countries in the world. Between the years 2006 and 2008, the government of Kazakhstan has enacted a strategic plan that focuses on nurturing the youth to acquire the sense of patriotism. Of course, the long-term goal of the strategic project is to instill a sense of pride, dedication and respect to the Kazakhstan’s national values, understanding his/her duties in respecting the national constitution and civil duties in every citizen of the society. Furthermore, the project also focused on responsibility and creativity of individuals. It is important to have a society in which individuals have a good sense responsibility in front of their peers, families, society, and the nation. On top of this, the project also emphasized the priorities of instilling good moral and human values in its citizens. All in all, according to the strategic plan, future citizens have the needs to be responsible on different levels, be creative, rational, and be able to make the right decisions in different atmospheres. In the core of the project lies President Nazarbayev’s idea that “Kazakhstan is everyone’s home!” Moreover, the project takes lots of ideas and help from scholars who are dedicated to nurturing the youth to have a good sense of patriotism toward Kazakhstan. Thus, according to the scholars, the sense of patriotism will take three stages in its completion in society:

1. Understanding and having knowledge about patriotism,2. Acquiring and bearing patriotic ideas,3. Taking patriotic actions

Looking at the social demand for youth in Kazakhstan, organizations put a high priority on their sense of patriotism. Thus, schools in the present educational system face the challenges of improving children’s education on patriotism. In the past, patriotism in Kazakhstan was about understanding the importance of individuality, family, education, nation, and world peace. But today’s trend in patriotism focuses more on valuing, understanding, and acquiring the patriotism that society as a whole creates in time.

The most important duty of all individuals in Kazakhstan is respect the national and traditional values such as the religion, language, laws and have pride in the achievements that the society has achieved thus far. Patriotism, therefore, must be rooted in the following principles listed: - To understand, value, and protect the Kazakh cultural values, language, and Islam religious rites,- To be willing to achieve big things and declare the name Kazakh in the entire world- To have a love for Kazakhs and its brotherhood- To use traditional food and beverages- To be truthful in respecting all the traditional and moral values - To advertise the Kazakh cultural norms and values in the world- To understand and honestly obey the national constitution and all the legal matters - To know, respect and follow the legacies of Kazakh heroes in history In other words, having a sense of patriotism is about knowing who you are and giving it a good value.


1. N.A. Nazarbayev Kazakhstan-2030 – Almaty: Bilim, 1998.-p.37

2. New encyclopedia – dictionary.-M., 2002. –p.888

3. Z. Kenzhalin “Ұлт рухын ұлықтаған ұрпақпыз”- Almaty, 2005-pp.46-47

4. R.B. Absattarov “Воспитание казахстанского народа: вопросы теории и практики””- Almaty,1994-p.71

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