V Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2013


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Some interactions margins of a state, civil society and individual impact on science and education is in a focus of some attention. As a mental activity and movement of think of a civil society and any individual being that has no boundaries and cuttings from the times of yore. Scientific achievements also result in education and public outreach that has become an increasingly necessary component of a scientific career whether in academia or in industry. It is some joint research and educative projects the only “fresh” gap within a period of artificial isolation of two countries at the time of “cold war”. Strategies of joint scientific investigations in soviet and the beginning of post-soviet political, research and diplomatic space are in focus of our attention. Problem – Positive development dynamics of a sciencе and education activity at the long temporal sequence of “cold war”-“thaw”- “iron curtain” falls. Since 1976 up to 1993 some personal experience on international research projects at the territory of Extreme North has been accumulating. This cumulative database has been analyzed for a long time (1976-nowadays). International joint projects on the Extreme North (Timyr peninsula) which was forbidden territory even for Soviet people (citizens of Soviet Union) in 70-s of a last century have been conducted under some strict control of KGB because of military problems. It resulted in extremely long time of visa-documentary formalities for the people from abroad and no exit-visa (allowance of leaving for abroad) especially for professionals with good English language command and especially by the secret information against the person to KGB. Mentioned above historiography exemplifies the significance of trust and trustworthiness in international relations during the cold war. This conflict by the essence has begun to explore the crucial role of emotions such as fear and insecurity, which permeated both foreign policy of a state strategy and large segments of civil society such as science and education and some individuals being involved in. It has not yet, however, explicitly made trust either an independent analytical category or an object of historical analysis, despite its wide application in the fields of sociology, economics, media studies, and political science. Yet although cold war angst shaped the relationship between some countries and ideological blocs in whole, the final two decades of the era - from the period of détente starting in the late 1960s to the gradual rapprochement between two blocs in the 1980s - cold war policy grow more flexible and diverse as each side sought to escape the orthodoxy of mutual assured destruction and deterrence. Because these transformations affected relations between the two blocs and caused uncertainties within both blocs, the second half of the cold war was characterized by a complex mixture of fear and trust, which manifested itself, among other things, in confidence-building and risk-taking, both on an international and domestic level as state-civil society-individual.“Thaw” has brought some minimizing of “forbidden (military) territory” and consequent simplifying of visa-documentary formalities for the people from abroad. The “iron curtain” falls have brought the end of exit-visa, and – what are very important, - very simple visa-documentary formalities in the Embassy of the United States of America for Russians for example. Some crucial role of individual emotions finished because of some loyal relation to secret information against the person in FSB. In mid-90-s – the complicating of visa-documentary formalities both in Embassies of other countries and in RF Embassy for visits from abroad with the consequent simplifying for researchers from 2000: pass transit to some Embassies and back via DHL-service, interviewing abolition. And as a construct, trust is transient and can be actively built. It is the result of a process of risk assessment based on interactions and perceptions, strategic self-interest, shared values, and goodwill, and can be regarded as a form of social and political capital. Trust regimes, symbolic actions, and the effective staging of trust, trustworthiness, and other such qualities influence attention, rationality, and decision-making. Thus, they are major factors in international relations whose greatest portion is science and education. The idea of trust or distrust is, furthermore, interrelated with concepts of the past and future. Past experiences color estimates of someone's trustworthiness and affect expectations of future developments of international relations in whole. They also shape historical and ideological notions about all the countries and their interactions with one another. Some use of the categories of trust and distrust simplifies a process of a reevaluating some “trust-distrust” process dynamics of the final two decades of the cold war, beginning in the 1970s. The temporal dimension will receive special emphasis, because trust among countries increase and reversible and can be monitored or reinforced through checks and regulations, the dynamics of the relationship between two blocs that is, their foreign policy and diplomatic relations on various levels (official, cultural, and public) and negotiation strategies about a further cooperation; the dynamics within each ideological bloc, the loyalty of their members vis-à-vis their respective ideological hegemons (including extra-bloc interactions with non-aligned countries, ideas of transcending the bloc system, and tensions such as the Sino-Soviet split), alliance policies, ideological agendas, the dynamics inside the individual countries concerning domestic politics and civil society, debates about national leadership, order and their representations, for example, in science and education. So time is to examine the dynamic entanglements between the international and domestic spheres, thus following an "intermestic" approach, and draw on an to extend the recent historiographical emphasis on the role of emotions in contemporary and international relations especially for an advance all-European integration processes in science and education.

Materials mentioned above were presented for Conferences: “Trust, but Verify” (Washington, DC November 07 - 09, 2011) Confidence and Distrust from Détente to the End of the Cold War at Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars & German Historical Institute; Малыгина Н.В. Динамика отношений «доверие-сомнение» в области науки и образования в советском и постсоветском пространстве (in English language)// Новая Россия в мировом политическом процессе: сборник материалов научно-практической конференции. Екатеринбург, 21–23 апреля 2011 г. / Екатеринбург: УрФУ, 2011. – с. 81-84.

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