V Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2013


Фетьковская М.Ф. 1
1Карагандинский Государственный Университет им. академика Е.А. Букетова
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Foreign languages are getting more important due to the processes of globalization under conditions of modern society. Nowadays foreign language knowledge is an essential condition for any specialists’ high qualification. Foreign languages learning allows people to broaden their communicative skills, the range of the vision, to raise culture level and etc. English language is a leader among the other languages owing to creation of universal economical, informational and cultural space.

Due to the necessity of learning foreign languages several questions arise: how to teach, what methods to use, how to organize learning process more effectively. For answering these questions it is necessary to research accurately the process of the language acquisition, identify the peculiarities, social and biological factors which influence this process and also identify similarities and differences during learning native and foreign languages, compare learning in natural conditions and intentional learning. All these things are the subject of the research for many years and it can identify the following conditions for successful language acquisition. They are:

  • Motivation for learning;

  • Language abilities, intercultural, social and cultural competency, background knowledge;

  • Linguistic environment which gives the opportunity to get and use the knowledge.

It is very important to create positive atmosphere on the lessons. The conditions have to incline to communicate. One of the conditions is linguistic environment which gives the opportunity to speak and use knowledge in practice. Permanent contact with linguistic environment is very important. This is the motivation for learning. If there is no opportunity to learn language in the country of studied language it is necessary to use the experience of using electronic and multimedia resources. New technologies open the great opportunities, give good technical support and optimize learning process. The process of focused and systematic approach of language acquisition should be based on communicative approach, to form linguistic personality who will be able to intercultural cooperation, should develop language skills, i.e. to express thought fluently, spontaneously and correctly in the foreign language. Personal motive plays an important role too.

The foreign language teaching is a special process in which due to the result of the interaction between a pupil and a teacher reproduction and mastering of certain experience according to the defined purpose is implemented.

The person’s familiarization to a new language may be in the country of the studied language or beyond it and under the leadership of a native speaker or not.

Pedagogical technology is a complex, special set of forms, methods, ways and educative means which are systemically used in educational process.

Modernization of educational content on the modern stage of development of the society connects not least of all with innovative processes in organization of the foreign language teaching.

The priority direction of modern school development humanistic orientation of teaching became, in which personal potential takes a leading position. It supposes consideration of the needs and interests of the pupil and implementation of differentiated approach.

Nowadays a pupil, their personality, their unique inner world is in the centre of the attention. That is why the main modern teacher’s aim is to choose methods and forms of pupils’ learning activity organization which correspond of given goal of the development of the personality optimally.

Last years the question about using innovative informational technologies in secondary school arises more often. It is not only about technical devices but innovative methods and forms of the teaching and new approach to the teaching process. The main goal of the foreign language teaching is the formation and development of pupils’ communicative culture, teaching of foreign language practical mastery. The main school task is development in pupils the bases of communicative competence. However the given task supposes not only having practical skills of pupils, but certain qualities of personality such as sociability, relaxedness, and desire to make a contact and activity at the lesson. The principle of pupil’s activity in the teaching process is one of the major in didactics. This notion is meant such quality of the activity which is characterized by high level of motivation, conscious need in mastering of knowledge and competencies, effectiveness and accordance of social norms.

Such kind of activity doesn’t arise in itself frequently. It is the result of deliberate managerial pedagogical influence and organization of pedagogical environment, i.e. usage of pedagogical technologies.

These innovative technologies are:

  • Pupil-centred teaching technology;

  • Health saving technology;

  • Gaming technology;

  • The technology of communicative teaching of foreign culture;

  • Problem-based teaching;

  • Elements of intensive technique;

  • Scriptwriting context technology;

  • Informational – communicative technology;

  • Project technology;

  • Cooperative learning and etc.

Let’s consider some of them.

According to pupil-centred teaching technology in the centre of teaching is a pupil himself, his motives, goals and unrepeatable psychological warehouse. The teacher determines teaching aim of the lesson, organize, direct and correct teaching process on the assumption of pupil’s interests, the level of his knowledge and skills in the context of this approach.

At the lessons it is necessary to memorize, speak, write, read, listen and analyze the information a lot that is why the teacher should pay special attention to health saving technologies. Using ways of health saving technologies (physical minutes, movable games, different usage of healthy living rules and etc.) gives the opportunity to form stable needs and value orientation of the pupils to save and strengthen the health.

Gaming technology. A game is the strongest motive in pupils’ language acquisition. While playing, students are involved in teaching process with pleasure without any special effort. Schoolchildren of all ages play with joy especially if the game has a form of competition and requires savvy, quick reaction and good knowledge of the subject. Game methods are very diverse. Each game has its own function and contributes the accumulation of linguistic material, fixes acquired knowledge and forms speech skills and competencies. Games develop concentration, remove the fatigue, raise pupil’s mental activity, create the atmosphere of keenness. Teaching games help to make the foreign language teaching process interesting and creative.

The technology of communicative teaching of foreign culture is based on communication. The learning process is a model of real communication which allows achieving high adaptation level to foreign language communication.

Problem-based teaching supposes an independent decision of cognitive and creative tasks through critical reinterpretation and augmenting of knowledge and skills. This technology allows realizing the condition of formation in pupils cognitive universal activities, create the atmosphere of co-creation in communication, involving the emotional pupil’s sphere, personal pupil’s interest, joint searching for truth, self-assessment, self-correction and self-sufficiency.

At the heart of methodical system of intensive technique is the method of activization of personal and group opportunities which are characterized by active using of psychological and social – psychological personal and group opportunities (pupils communicate to each other actively, broaden their knowledge and improve skills and competencies).

Scriptwriting context technology is based on the principles of business communication and playing situation of business communication in learning process such as interview, discussions, school business situation.

Informational – communicative technology is a powerful way of teaching, control and management of learning process, i.e. this is the most important option of social and cultural system. Internet resources are usual and comfortable way of knowing the foreign countries’ cultures and nation, communication, getting the information and inexhaustible source of education process.

One of the methods of pupils’ activization in the foreign language teaching process is project technology when the pupil plans, creates, protects his projects themselves, i.e. pupils are involved in the process of communicative activity. Tutorial project is a complex of search, investigative, calculated, graphical and other types of work which are realized by pupils themselves with the view of practical and theoretical decision of significant problem.

Thus innovative technologies which were examined significantly enrich foreign languages teaching and make it diverse. Replacing monotonous work new intellectual creative searching form comes where a new type of personality appears. This person is active and purposeful and is oriented to permanent self-education and development.

Использованная литература:

1. Гальскова Н.Д. Теория и практика обучения иностранным языкам. Лингводидактика и методика. – М.: Академия, 2007. – 336с.

2. Н.Д. Гальскова. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам. Пособие для учителя.- М., 2003. - 192с.

3. Методики обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. Модернизация общего образования. Под редакцией М.К.Колковой. -Каро Санкт-Петербург, 2005. - 224с

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