V Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2013


Березань А.С. 1, Рахмонова О.О. 1, Карманова А.А. 2
1Карагандинский государственный университет им. Е.А. Букетова, факультет иностранных языков, 3 курс
2Карагандинский государственный университет им. Е.А. Букетова, факультет иностранных языков
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The application of new technologies in teaching is one of the most important directions in development of informational society. Adequate reply to the challenge of time is realization of new model of teaching process which is oriented on learners’ self-work, collective forms of teaching, formation of necessary skills. The great role in this transformation may and must be played by active application of computer in teaching process.

Methodical forms of working with computer at the lessons of English language may be different: study of new material or consolidation of it with application of training programs, writing compositions, reproductions, dictations, application of interpreter-programs in work with difficult texts, checking of literacy and orthography in English, use of training programs for enrichment of word stock. [1, 42]

Development of lexical skills for their further inclusion into learners’ speaking activity is the main task in mastering lexis. The application of computer technologies in forming lexical skills significantly straightens the effectiveness of this process.

At stage of training and using lexis for productive action the determinative operations will be those on joining words according to the contents of expression. On purpose to form productive lexical skills one may use computer for training learners to join lexical units.

To form productive skills the exercise on filling gaps in expression can be fulfilled. The indicator of accuracy in this case is the correspondence of notion of substituted lexical unit to that it can be grouped with. [2, 47]

Fast fulfillment of similar exercises gives the opportunity to enrich the volume of learned lexicon at cost of gained time. Computer allows also intensifying the process of teaching lexicon on the base of fulfillment of different but equal in difficulty tasks.

Carried out work on forming lexical skills allows to proceed to forming speaking skills in dialogical speech. Application of computer programs in forming learners’ skills at lessons showed that computer technologies in teaching completely serve the purpose that was taken for teaching foreign language vocabulary.

In teaching grammar one may also use different devices of working with computer. [3, 53]

For explanation of new rule or for checking gained knowledge one may use Power Point Presentation. Bright and colorful Presentation helps learners to remember the theoretical information better and to use it further without mistakes.

For consolidation of studied grammar rules teacher may use exercises on educational disks such as Bonk N.A. English. Step by step (2 parts), Bridge to English, Oxford Platinum, Tell me more, Right English without boring rules, English for every day, Advanced English, Coach “English”, English for communication, Ignatova T.N. English language for communication, English in three steps, Professor Higgins English without accent, English: Base course and others.[4, 39]

These disks contain very different exercises in all parts of English grammar. There are exercises of different difficulty degrees - from the simplest to the hardest. For example:

  1. exercises for filling the gaps. Educational program suggests learners the set of sentences with gaps. In case of wrong answer the following ways of development are possible:

  • prohibition to pass to next task and sentence;

  • pass to the next task or sentence with possibility of further correction viz emphasizing the right answer with different color and ticking the wrong answer;

  1. exercises in form of game on composing sentences while which learner directs the cursor to necessary word. It moves to the composed sentence and stands after the last removed word. Demerit of such game is impossibility to move any word to necessary place which was moved before without breaking the whole sentence.

Another example is a unique interactive textbook “Grammar Land” which may develop the level of language knowledge in short period. Large volume of theoretical information on contemporary grammar of English language which is illustrated by variety of examples comprises every day, business and commercial lexicon. [5, 18]

Interactive textbook “Grammar Land” includes all parts of speech of English language, the whole structure of English sentence and appendix of grammar tables. In this program a special attention is paid to peculiarities of using content and function words, syntax structures in spoken and business language in comparison to Russian grammar.

In teaching phonetics and reading the application of computer is also helpful. Teacher my use training disks with phonetic exercises. While explaining rules of reading teacher may use Power Point Presentations.

Together with training disks and Presentations teachers may use very interesting and useful guidebook for teachers of English language “Read together” implemented in Macromedia Flash. This guidebook gives learners conception of rules of reading English vowels in bright and entertaining form and then presents control tasks for checking the digestion of material. [6, 41]

For checking the understanding of the reads it is possible to use tests fulfilled in Word editor which is the simplest application of computer in teaching process. Tests fulfilled in Excel allow fast checking correctness of fulfilled tasks by all learners by showing the results on teachers’ monitor.

The application of computer Presentations in teaching process allows intensifying the digestion of academic material by learners and running the lessons in qualitatively new level using projecting of slide-films and tables from computer monitor on large wall monitor instead of classroom blackboard.

The application of computer Presentation will allow raising the level of lesson’s effectiveness very significantly.

Presentation allows affecting several types of memory at a time: visual, aural, emotional, and in some cases motor memory.

Effectiveness of influence of academic material on learners mostly depends on degree and level of illustrative material. Visual saturation of academic material makes it bright, convincing and promotes intensification of process of its digestion. Computer Presentation allows accentuating learners’ attention on significant moments of explicated information and creating demonstrative effective images in form of illustrations, schemes, diagrams, graphic compositions and etc.

Having such a possibility as interactivity, computer Presentations allow adapting academic material to learners’ peculiarity more effectively. Increase of interactivity leads to more intense participation of very learner in teaching process which promotes raising the effectiveness of perception and memorizing academic material.

It is possible to use Presentation in teaching process at any stage of lesson, in this case its essentials remains constant, only its forms change depending on taken purpose of its usage.

At the base of application of multimedia Presentations at foreign language lessons is laid communicative approach to mastering of all the aspects of foreign culture: cognitive, academic, developing and educational, and inside this academic aspect to all the kinds of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening and writing. [7. 89]

Cognitive (socio-cultural) aspect

Working on creating Presentation according to chosen theme learners select phenomena, facts and events they are interested in most out of all variety of information. The most relevant questions for discussion of mutual interest are being chosen. It is important in digesting information given in Presentation to combine the verbal canal of receiving information by learners with visual one as means of visual demonstration, animation, sound, authentic support in slides are widely used: photos, pictures, postcards, letters, quotations, signboards, advertisements, maps, schemes, tables, diagrams and etc.

Acquaintance to the culture of a country of a studied foreign language takes place by comparison and constant evaluation of knowledge and notions received before with newly gained with knowledge and notions about learners’ own country, about themselves. As a result while defending Presentations a peculiar dialogue of cultures among learners occurs.

Academic aspect

Creating Presentation learners combine all kinds of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening and writing. Let’s review every of them.

Speaking: Learners give extended information to each slide. Subject contents of speaking is built according to the theme of Presentation and of each slide, according to the problem questions of learners’ special interest. The expression of author or authors of Presentation (if it is a collective work) should be logical, grammatically correct, executed correctly pertaining to language and according to set communicative task. Learners are taught to convey information the content of which is not always familiar to classmates. That’s why they have real motif to expression. There happens not only commenting of the writing on the slide but also announcing of additional information voice-over.

Reading: Development of reading skills is one of main teaching aims in work with Presentations. Texts for reading as their first function are used for searching the information according to the theme of Presentation. Texts may be taken from textbooks or from additional sources. To expose the necessary data in Presentation learners have to study a lot of printed information. Texts for reading as their second function are used directly in very slides of Presentation. When reading such texts at defense learners’ lexical, grammar, articulating skills are being formed. In addition working on creating Presentation of great significance is independent reference of learners to cyclopedia dictionary. It elevates the learners’ minds, forms the need and develops the skill to use additional reference literature, stimulating by that cognitive activity of learners. [8. 186]

Listening: Listening happens to be means and aim of teaching at defense of Presentation. At its first function listening is used when other learners percept orator’s speech aurally at defense of Presentation, survey new information, recognize aurally and recall the information they knew before. At defense of Presentation listening is often combined with visual aid. At the same time listening with comprehension of main content is based upon texts containing inessential number of unknown words. The main task in it is to teach the learner on the one hand to be able to highlight the main information, the most significant content and on the other hand to drop, to ignore the insignificant as well as unknown words that don’t prevent to understand the main content. Learners should comprehend aural speech of usual tempo in reproduction of teacher, learner or group of learners who prepared the Presentation.

Writing: Learners who work with Presentation are taught to record key notions, phrases, quotations, short information, to tape it in slides. Teacher’s task is to check and to correct the mistakes in spelling if necessary, to do it carefully, to direct learners to remembering difficult words.

Development aspect

Intellectual development of learners is also an important task of teaching foreign language through creation and defense of Presentation. Process of creating each slide is built as a process of solving speech-cogitative tasks getting constantly complicated and demanding intellectual search efforts from learners. The work with forming stable interest and motif to further study of foreign language continues.

Preparing Presentation according to one theme, learners select different information using various sources. They also run the defense of Presentation differently. The viewing of such variants of problem solution is very interesting to learners. Work with Presentation develops learners’ imagination, fantasy, creative mind, independence and other personal qualities.

Educational aspect

Information in Presentation of any theme should be oriented on adoption of human values. Educational aims may be different: formation of positive attitude to facts of foreign culture, formation of independence, of ability to solve problems connected to learners’ different views on friendship, love, subculture etc. Participants in creation of Presentation while its defense learn not only to be communicative, to be able to deal with each other but also to demonstrate respect and care to other members of the group, to their work. Learners are taught to have respectful attitude towards other’s opinion, to creator of Presentation. Learners are taught to understand each other better, to demonstrate the feeling of comradeship, mutual support, and realize their culture through the context of English-speaking countries.[9, 163]

Beyond debate the use of this new computer technology at the lessons enhances the quality and changes the teaching process itself: makes it more effective, interesting, and deepened. Creation of Presentation demonstrates the learners’ ability to make analysis and/or synthesis of different types of information (for example, ability to interpret, evaluate, estimate, theorize etc.)

One of the most revolutionary achievements during the last decade which greatly influenced on educational process in the whole world was creation of worldwide computer net. It got the name “Internet” which literally means “international net”.

The use of cyberspace in educational aims is absolutely new trend in general didactics and particular methods as happening changes touch all the sides of educational process starting with choice of method and style of work and finishing with changing of demands to academic level of learners.

Correct organization of academic process arouses learners’ motivation to self-training and conscientious attitude to study.


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  7. Beaty Ken. Computer-assisted Language Learning. Longman, Pearson Education, 2003.

  8. Chapelle Carol.A. Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition: Foundations for teaching, testing and research. – Cambridge University Press, 2005. – 215c.

  9. Dudeney Gavin. The Internet and the Language Classroom. A practical guide for teachers. – Cambridge University Press, 2005. – 181c.

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