There are some benefits of electric car:
no harmful emissions;
maintenance simplicity;
simplicity of design and driving;
high reliability and operating life of vehicular part (20-25 years) in comparison with ordinary cars;
low level of noise because of smaller number of movable parts and mechanical transmissions;
motion smoothness and wide range of engine speed changes.
But, despite all the advantages, electric car has a lot of disadvantages. For example, the batteries work well when car is driven only at constant speed and smooth acceleration, but with sharp start traction batteries lose a lot of energy. Also, part of the batteries energy is spent for car cooling or heating, and for the power of other onboard energy consumers. The next major disadvantage is a low mileage on a single supply of energy. The 24 kW • h capacity lithium battery with medium driving conditions (60-90 km/h, dipped headlight (LED headlight), without heating and air conditioning), make it possible to drive electric car about 160 km. On the basis of these disadvantages, electric vehicles can’t be operated over long distances. Therefore, many auto companies use hybrid electric type, i.e., use fuel cells, but they aren’t environmentally friendly, as they release hazardous substances.
To increase the mileage is proposed to use wind turbine, as battery charger. Citroen C-zero is used as a basis for the installation of wind turbines. The car drawing of is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 – Citroen C-zero drawing
It is proposed to install 4 wind turbines in the front of the car: 2 generator wind turbine with a propeller diameter D = 0.340 m., and 2 generators with propeller diameter D = 0.260 m. The proposed modernization is presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2 - The proposed modification of the Citroen C-zero with wind turbine
Power of the wind generator is determined by the following formula [1]:
, (1)
where – propeller diameter, m;
– car speed m/s;
– coefficient of the utilization of wind energy. Magnitude of this coefficient lies between 0.4 and 0.5.
Power of the generator with a propeller diameter D = 0.26 m:
Power of the generator with a propeller diameter D = 0.34 m:
The total power generated by wind turbines:
Calculations show that the use of these generators will give the driver more time without recharging of the electric vehicle. When driving the car, the energy from the wind turbines will be used to recharge the battery pack, which consists of 88 lithium-ion batteries, 60 A / h, located in the center of the car. The calculations show, that the operating characteristic of this batteries will be in the charge-discharge mode with a constant replenishment of energy in the battery. We believe this will allow longer driving without recharging. This optional arrangement will also improve the comfort of the vehicle driver in the cabin, because it will be possible to turn the air conditioner, heating and other energy consuming systems that significantly accelerate battery discharge.
Fateev E.M. Wind Turbines and Wind Installations. M.: House of Agricultural Literature Publishing, 1957
Linguistic advisor: Shvalova G.V., senior teacher, TPU, Russia