The beekeeping concerns the most ancient crafts of the person directed on improvement of productive and breeding signs of Apis mellifera L., 1758, existing breeds (races) and the populations adapted in the course of evolution to concrete natural-climatic and honeyflow to conditions of an area.
On the territory of the Russian Federation the basic planted breed is European dark wood or Apis mellifera mellifera L. which is presented by set of populations: bashkirskya, tatarskya, altaiskya, polesskya, uralskya mountain-taiga et., al.. From the point of view of evolution of population of bees represent a valuable initial material for selection work. However, progressing deterioration of a condition of inhabitancy of bees, last century, absence of purposeful selection programs of cultivation and unsystematic hybridization have led to partial destruction and considerable reduction of number bee breed, to decrease in volume of made production and infringement of unique population structures of Apis melliferamellifera L. (Cherevko, 2006).
Thus, studying of prospects of preservation, cultivation of Apis mellifera and the further scientifically-proved intensification of beekeeping, is directly connected with carrying out researches of a current state of population structures of bees. At carrying out of the given works the estimation genuineness bees with application of a complex of methods of identification of an intraspecific accessory is basic.
The work purpose – an estimation of anthropogenous influence on breed of Bashkir population Apis mellifera mellifera L.
- Definition of anthropogenous influence on pedigree structure of a melliferous bee in territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan (RB) on working individuals;
- Definition breed lineage uterus in revealed reserves, on the basis of identification morphometric signs of drones.
Materials and methods
The material (tests of working bees and drones) is collected by authors in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2007-2010. It lies between 51° 31' and 56° 25' northern latitude and 53° 10' and 60° east longitude. Its total area is more than 143 thousand in sq. km. Its extent from the north to the south – 550 km and from the West to the east – 450 km. In connection with intensive development of branches of agriculture in modern territory of RB 6 natural and agricultural areas are allocated: northern, northeast and southern forest-steppe, pre-Ural and trans-Ural steppe and mountain-wood. We had been conducted researches of Apis mellifera in territories northern and northeast forest-steppe natural and agricultural areas. Following quantities of tests of working Apis have been collected: northern forest-steppe zone of 1 thousand 700 beer families (b/f) 8 areas (Askinskii, Arkhangelskii, Baltachevskii, Karaidelskii, Janaulskii, Iglinskii, Krasnokamskii and Nurimanovskii), northeast forest-steppe – 1 thousand 100 b/f from 5 areas (Belokatajskii, Kiginskii, Mechetlinskii, Salavatskii and Duvanskii). The Total of beer families investigated on working bees has made 2 thousand 800 b/f.
For an estimation pure breed a uterus in revealed reserves we investigated drones in 5 areas (Askinskii, Arkhangelskii, Baltachevskii, Karaidelskii, Janaulskii) northern forest-steppe zone or 1 thousand 50 b/f, a northeast forest-steppe zone – 200 b/f from 1 (Duvanskii) area. Total of the investigated areas on drones - 6 or 1 thousand 250 b/f.
Cameralistic processing of a material was spent in laboratories entomology chairs of biology and biological formation and zoological museum of the M. Akmully Bashkir state pedagogical university.
The complex approach of an estimation of breed of the Apis mellifera, combining 2 methods of identification have been applied to carrying out of researches:
- Standard European morphometric a method of an estimation of working bees with the computer analysis of the data in program Microsoft Office Excel 2007;
- Modified European morphometric a method of an estimation of drones with the computer analysis of the data (Microsoft Office Excel 2007).
Computer program Statistica has been applied to the analysis of the summary data of an estimation morphometric signs v.6.1., CopyrightE9 StatSoft, lnc. 1984-2004. Comparison of the received results spent with the standard European standards.
Test on selection totaled on 20 working bees and drones. Definition morphometric signs of working bees spent by the standard standard technique. An estimation of signs of drones spent by an identical technique, difference consisted only that on a scale of Gettse spent definition of hair-dyeing of drones before standard processing boiled water. All measurements spent under binocular microscope MBS-10 by means of an eyepiece-micrometer. The linear measurements of signs executed in divisions of an eyepiece-micrometer, translated in mm, and indexes expressed in percentage, except drones. Defined following morphometric signs of working bees: length proboscis, length and width of the right forward wing, tergite, sternite, a wax pocket mirror, tarsal and cubital indexes and three sign of drones: hair-dyeing on a scale of Gettse, cubital an index, length proboscis.
For convenience of work and possibility of the digital data processing, the received colors of drones (hair-dyeing) on a scale of Gettse have translated in figures. Digital gradation (indexation) have spent on 8 mark scale, beginning from light tones, that is yellow-pea – 1, it is yellow-quince – 2; gray-sandy – 3, gray-clay – 4; brown-rusty – 5, brown-coffee – 6; black-smoky – 7 and black-soot – 8 points. The standard of Apis mellifera mellifera L. – brown-rusty or brown-coffee (numerically from 5 to 6 points).
Results and discussion
In territory of northern forest-steppe zone in two areas (Karaidelskii and Janaulskii), morphometric signs of bees correspond to the standard of Apis mellifera mellifera (standard Apis mellifera mellifera L., 1758 - length proboscis - 6,00-6,40 mm; length of the right forward wing - 9,00-10,00 mm; width of the right forward wing - 3,00-3,50 mm; cubital an index – 60-65 %; length of 4th tergite - 2,30-2,60 mm, width of 4th tergite - 4,80-5,00 mm; length of 4th sternite - 3,00-3,20 mm; width of 4th sternite - 4,75-5,00 mm; length wax a pocket mirror - 2,45-2,70 mm; width wax a pocket mirror - 1,50-1,70 mm; tarsal an index - 50,00-55,00 %). Average values of experimental data looked as follows: length proboscis - 6,21±0,19, lim – 6,00-6,40 mm; length of the right forward wing - 9,32±0,06, lim – 9,00-9,600 mm; width of the right forward wing - 3,14±0,11, lim – 3,00-3,50 mm; cubital an index - 63,49±0,09, lim - 60,00-65,00 %; Length of 4th tergite - 2,37±0,08, lim – 2,30-2,60 mm; width of 4th tergite - 4,86±0,08, lim – 4,82-4,96 mm; length of 4th sternite - 3,14±0,06, lim – 3,00-3,20 mm; width of 4th sternite - 4,81±0,06, lim – 4,75-4,90 mm; length wax a pocket mirror - 2,58±0,07, lim – 2,50-2,70 mm; width wax a pocket mirror 1,56±0,03, lim – 1,53-1,61 mm and tarsal an index 53,10±0,72, lim – 52,39-54,57 %.
In the remained six areas on morphometric to signs Apis mellifera full conformity of measurements to standards of Apis mellifera mellifera was observed not. For example: length proboscis 6,75±0,25, lim – 6,30-7,20 mm; cubital an index 59,12±2,95, lim – 51,49-65,71 %; width of 4th sternite 3,98±0,04, lim – 3,90-4,12 mm. Proceeding from it, we can assume about presence of "biological pollution» or occurring heteroduplex processes in the given territory.
In a northeast forest-steppe zone in four areas (Belokatajskii, Kiginskii, Mechetlinskii and Salavatskii) bees are identified as hybridized and only in Duvanskii area are fixed as Apis mellifera mellifera (settlements – Ulkundy and Sarty), and the hybridized bees (settlements – Koshelevka and Arievo).
Average values of parameters of thoroughbred bees in Duvanskii area looked as follows: length proboscis - 6,24±0,08, lim – 6,00-6,40 mm; length of the right forward wing - 9,34±0,19, lim – 9,00-10,00 mm; width of the right forward wing - 3,17±0,18, lim – 3,00-3,50 mm; cubital an index - 63,21±1,06, lim - 60,00-65,00 %; length of 4th tergite - 2,34±0,07, lim – 2,30-2,60 mm; width of 4th tergite - 4,86±0,04, lim – 4,82-4,96 mm; length of 4th sternite - 3,17±0,07, lim – 3,00-3,20 mm; width of 4th sternite - 4,81±0,05, lim – 4,75-4,90 mm; length wax a pocket mirror - 2,57±, 0,07, lim – 2,50-2,70 mm; width wax a pocket mirror 1,57±0,05, lim – 1,53-1,61 mm and tarsal an index 53,04±0,66, lim – 52,52-54,43 %.
Total indicators of breed of bees in the investigated zones of Republic Bashkortostan are presented to table.
Table. Numerical and percentage parity of beer families of Apis mellifera mellifera L., 1758 and the hybridized forms investigated on working individuals, in natural-agricultural fodder zones
№ s/i |
Name zone |
Number of families |
Ratio of the bee families |
Apis mellifera mellifera L. |
Hybridized |
1 |
Northern forest-steppe |
1700 |
1050 (62 %) |
650 (38 %) |
2 |
Northeast forest-steppe |
1100 |
80 (7,3 %) |
1020 (92,7 %) |
Total |
2800 |
1130 (40%) |
1670 (60%) |
In the investigated natural-agricultural fodder zones, it is possible to allocate 40 % (1130 b/f) the bees identified as Apis mellifera mellifera, and, accordingly, 60 % (1670 b/f) the hybridized. The most thoroughbred zone is northern forest-steppe where 62 % (1050 b/f) bees of Apis mellifera mellifera have been revealed. On the contrary, for a northeast natural-agricultural fodder zone the high percent of "biological pollution» (92,7 % Apis) is characteristic.
For each of the considered natural-agricultural zones the specificity connected by influence of various factors is characteristic. For example, on the prepotent maintenance of bees of Apis mellifera mellifera in Northern forest-steppe zone, possibly, following factors influence: presence reserve in Tatyshlinskii area, i.e. two breeding economy on beekeeping and a frontier arrangement of the Perm area where earlier spent researches had been revealed the high maintenance of Apis mellifera mellifera. To the factors promoting the high maintenance of bees of Apis mellifera mellifera, concern: a low share of agricultural grounds (47,8 % - average and weak, places very weak agricultural loading) (The RB atlas, 2005); presence of lime plantings (all 1/3 of lime woods Republic Bashkortostan) and inclined in the given zone of wildlife preserves (Birskii and Askinskii) in which the nature protection actions influencing, probably, indirectly on safety of native bees in the given zone are carried out.
Presence of the hybridized bees is connected with presence in northern forest-steppe zone of the Bashkir experimental station of beekeeping (Iglinskii area) where earlier we had been revealed the prepotent maintenance of bees of the hybridized form (82 %) (Sattarov V.N. & Migranov M.G., 2007).
The high percent of "biological pollution» (92,7 % of the hybridized forms of bees) in a northeast natural-agricultural fodder zone is caused, most likely, strong, places by very strong agricultural loading (The RB atlas, 2005). It is necessary to note also, what even in the presence of existing and planned especially protected territories in this zone the population structure doesn't maintain anthropogenous influence.
The following aspect which has been considered by us at carrying out of researches is a pedigree accessory of drones. Drones have haploid character of inheritance and consequently definition of their pedigree accessory allows to define cleanliness of beer families as a thoroughbred uterus makes the same drones (Cherevko J.A et. al., 2006) with split-hair accuracy. There of, revealing genuineness a uterus in revealed reserves bees of Apis mellifera mellifera became following step.
The analysis of the received results shows that in northern forest-steppe natural-agricultural fodder zone where have been revealed 2 reserves Apis mellifera mellifera on working individuals, breed determinant signs, both working bees, and drones in families are identical and correspond to standard Apis mellifera mellifera. Average values of the investigated signs of drones on the given zone the following: a hair-dyeing index - M±m 5,58±0,314, lim 5,00-6,00 (the standard – 5-6); length proboscis - M±m 4,32±0,406, lim 3,45-5,00 mm (the standard – 3,3-5,0 mm); cubital an index - M±m 1,32±0,063, lim 1,17-1,50 (the standard – 1,0-1,5)
Such picture allows to make the assumption about genuineness a uterus in the investigated beer families and about rather moderate anthropogenous influence. As the drone bears a gene of mother and serves as a transfer link in an exchange of a uterus of heredity, the pedigree information transferred by drones in the subsequent generations, will gradually prevail. Hence, the observable condition of families of bees in these areas can promote further to processes of absorbing crossing and restoration genuineness bees.
Results morphometric measurements of drones in a northeast zone where the initial analysis on working individuals has allowed to reveal bees of Apis mellifera mellifera only in one administrative area (Duvanskii) the given region have appeared others. In this potential reserve bees of Apis mellifera mellifera by the received results the steady interrelation between external breed determinant signs of working bees and drones in beer families wasn't observed. For example: identification of working bees in settlements Ulkundy and Sarty has shown presence heteroduplex processes, but the analysis breed determinant signs of drones in the same families allows to draw a conclusion about genuineness (Apis mellifera mellifera) Uterus. In the remained two settlements (Koshelevka and Arievo) the situation looked differently, i.e. indicators of working bees corresponded to Apis mellifera mellifera while drones were not same, i.e. «biological pollution» was observed. Average values of indicators of drones on this zone the following: a hair-dyeing index - M±m 4,32±1,045, lim 3,00-6,00 (the standard 5,0-6,0); length proboscis - M±m 4,27±0,444, lim 3,50-4,95 mm (3,3-3,5 mm); cubital an index - M±m 1,90±0,520, lim 1,19-3,00 (1,0-1,5).
The spent estimation of anthropogenous influence on pedigree structure of Apis mellifera in territory Republic Bashkortostan on working individuals has revealed a negative tendency on increase in the hybridized bees. Changes of pedigree structure of bees it is connected with influence of following factors: the geographical arrangement to territories in which it is not studied and isn't supervised pedigree structure; direct delivery of a "selection" material; the degree of agricultural loading meaning use of early queen bees, bee packs for extensive development of beekeeping.
Researches of an estimation of anthropogenous influence on morphological signs of drones (in revealed reserves bees of Apis mellifera mellifera), have allowed to establish the following: in spite of the fact that there is a strengthened influence of the person on pedigree structure of bees, on republic territories settlements where the native beer families containing a thoroughbred uterus have remained are found out. However the found out beer families where the hybridized working bees have been fixed, at simultaneous identification of drones of Apis mellifera mellifera or on the contrary, speaks about insufficiency of the traditional approach at an estimation of a pedigree accessory of families only on working individuals.
As a whole, the received results are acknowledgement of that the isolated population if it doesn't disappear during evolution, is developed «in itself», supporting dynamic balance with environment. If to lean against the standard representations about the system organization of populations and to spend gathering and the analysis of a primary material on all population structure, that, despite variability in parts, the system as whole steadily keeps the genetic structure, inherited from great population, and such stability remains even despite pressure of selection.
Cherevko J.A. Cherevko L.D., Bojtsenjuk L.I., Kochetov A.S. Beekeeping. – М: the Colossus, 2006. – 296 pp.
The Republic Bashkortostan atlas, State Unitary Enterprise "Bashkortostan", 2005. – 419 pp.
Sattarov V.N, Migranov M.G. Population genetic polymorphism of the Bashkir population of Central Russian race of Apis mellifera L., Ufa, RIO RUNMTS ME RB, 2007. – 104 pp.