XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


Рожкова Е.Д. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет им. А.Г. и Н. Г. Столетовых
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One of the most ancient in the history of the development of the doctrine of speech disorders is the problem of stuttering. Stuttering is a violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech caused by the convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

At various stages of studying this problem, the understanding of the essence of this speech disorder varies, which is directly related to the level of development of science and different approaches to the consideration of this problem.

The causes of stuttering can be physiological, psychological, social, therefore, the nature of the means and measures of influence on the stutterer may be different.

In the first case, these are medical measures, in the second - a combination of therapeutic and pedagogical measures, in the third - pedagogical measures. Depending on the nature of the means of influence, techniques and methods of overcoming stuttering are determined.

One of the methods of correction of stuttering is the technique of A.V. Yastrebova, which we will consider. This technique is designed for children of primary school age. And it is based on overcoming stuttering through the correction of speech communication associated with educational activities appropriate to a given age. Since the educational activity of a stutterer is characterized by impulsivity, distractibility, the inability of children to think about their activities in advance and apply volitional efforts, and since stuttering manifests itself with greater force during classes in the classroom, the correctional influence of a speech therapist should be carried out through the organization of a system of special exercises aimed at normalizing the communicative activity of stuttering children and representing various options and models of communication. With the help of these exercises, children develop communication skills and develop the communicative function of speech, its informational and regulatory sides occur consistently andcorrelates with the process of formation of communicative activity of schoolchildren. The formation of the communicative activity of stuttering children according to the methodology of A.V. Yastrebova occurs in 3 stages.

At the first stage, the clarification (or formation) of the knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren necessary for free interaction, for the ability to correctly assimilate and transmit information during communication, for the full perception of the tasks offered to children is carried out.

The purpose of speech therapy classes is to develop in stuttering children observation, sustained attentiveness, the ability to perceive information, to quickly engage in educational work. The first stage includes 25 speech therapy sessions, which comprise 5 stages of corrective action. The assimilation of stuttering skills and communication skills occurs sequentially from step to step through the gradual complication of the communicative activity of children.

By the end of the first stage, stuttering students have the ability to exchange information in the process of interpersonal communication, they develop partnership skills, form an active role in the communicative process. Speech behavior becomes more manageable.

At the second stage of correctional training, communication skills and skills necessary for differentiated influence and regulation of behavior are formed, further improvement of speech activity of stuttering children and teaching them more complex communicative actions in various situations of oral communication takes place. These skills and abilities provide an opportunity for students to act as a leader of collective activity. During the communicative work, the student acting as a supervisor offers the task to the participants and conducts their survey. The means that complicate communicative activity are changing the pace of activity and performing it without instructions.

The main task of speech therapy classes is the formation of skills and abilities of self-regulation of utterance and speech behavior, as well as the ability to change the strategy of speech behavior when changing the functional position in joint activities.

Thus, by the end of the first two stages of classes, stuttering children form free interpersonal communication in the process of performing various types of joint activities. They acquire the ability to adequately assimilate and transmit information in the process of interpersonal communication, to lead collective work, to respond correctly to various factors of communication in a given situation, which makes it possible to eliminate the manifestation of stuttering.

At the third stage, the means of regulating one's own statements and behavior are being worked out, the skills and skills of differentiated influence in interpersonal communication are being improved, depending on its goals and conditions, the skills of using the means and methods of organizing the construction and restructuring of an utterance are being consolidated.

The third stage of correctional impact is characterized by various types of collective forms of work and group discussion, during which, together with a speech therapist, the adequacy and expediency of behavior and communicative actions carried out by children are discussed. Very important in the formation of skills of free (without stuttering) communication is learning to change the utterance depending on the characteristics of a particular interlocutor, his reaction and the type of situation in which communication takes place.

Active correctional and educational work in the process of speech therapy allows you to achieve the fulfillment of all correctional tasks to overcome stuttering.


1. Pravdina O.V. Speech therapy. Textbook for students of defectological faculties of pedagogical institutes. 2nd edition, supplement and revision - M., "Enlightenment", 1973. - 272 p.

2. Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.V. Fundamentals of speech therapy: A textbook for students of pedagogical institutes in the specialty "Pedagogy and psychology" - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. - 223 p.

3. Yastrebova A.V. Correction of stuttering in secondary school students: a manual for speech therapists. - M.: Enlightenment, 1980. 104 p.

Просмотров работы: 12