IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Потехина Е.Д. 1, Ермолаева Л.Д. 2
1ВлГУ, Институт экономики и менеджмента
2ВлГУ, Гуманитарный институт
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The article considers the reasons why the knowledge of foreign language is important for future specialists. The ways how to organize properly the educational process in order the student could be proficient in foreign language have been identified.

Keywords: successful career, linguistic competence, educational standards and regulations, requirement.

Modern conditions of life of society, characterized by significant socio-economic changes and the expansion of foreign economic contacts, pose entirely new issues in educating bachelors and masters with a knowledge of English for various professional fields. In our epoch professional education has become one of the most extensive areas of human activity.

Currently there is no doubt that learning a foreign language is reasonable for students of all specialties. Foreign language is absolutely necessary condition for a successful career in various spheres of human activity. And for experts in the field of economics knowledge of one or two foreign languages is not only key to success, but also an integral part of the profession.

Now specialists with a high level of professional competence which makes them competitive are in great demand. One of the key components of professional competence, of course, is knowledge of a foreign language, necessary for making effective professional decisions. In order graduates will be able to adapt and realize oneself at the workplace, where knowledge of a foreign language is required, it is necessary to organize properly the educational process in order the student could be proficient in oral and written foreign speech.

The language competence of graduates significantly ensures the possibility of carrying out the tasks of professional activity by extracting information from various sources including foreign ones. The quality of professional education depends on the quality of language knowledge.

Nevertheless, the problem of formation of linguistic competence has not been solved yet. The problem of students training of nonlinguistic high schools is particularly acute.

In higher professional education English language learning process traditionally involves a system, first, a general teaching of basic English (General English) and, secondly, the professional English (ESP - English for Specific Purposes). Learning in both cases involves the formation of all kinds of competences.

Professionally-oriented English language training at the university has the aim to provide the student not only with a certain amount of foreign language knowledge and set of skills but also in accordance with the requirements of educational standards and regulations, to take into account his specific needs based on the professional orientation of a specialty in English language.

Today there is a tendency of reduction of school-leavers linguistic competence. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the focus of communication techniques on the practical aspect leads to a significant deterioration of language literacy.

Applicants admitted to non linguistic high schools, according to the results of testing should be divided into three groups. The first group (Beginners) consists of those students who have never studied English, i.e. at school they studied German or French. The second group (Pre-Intermediate) includes students who studied English at school but they need to revise and consolidate previously studied material and to fill the gaps in grammar and vocabulary.

The third group (Intermediate) consists of students that know the language at a basic level. As rule there are very few such students. But as in practice this system can’t be realized only two groups are formed. In one group Beginners as well as students with a level Pre-Intermediate are trained, in the second one all other students with the level of Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate are included.

Theoretically, in all groups the process of learning general and special English language should be carried out in all kinds of language skills: reading, writing and speaking, listening, as well as in the phonetic, grammatical and lexical aspects. But in accordance with the curriculum the classes are held once a week for 2 academic hours. As a result, students do not have time to get the necessary amount of information and then it can lead to the formation of gaps in the knowledge and reduction of their language competence in particular.

Today there is a problem of competence of English language teacher in the specialty area in which students are trained. In addition to the traditional requirements for general English language teachers (professionalism, knowledge of the interests, goals and objectives of the students, the ability to develop teaching materials), it is necessary to introduce a number of additional requirements to the teachers: the basic professional knowledge and awareness of the need for cooperation of the teachers of foreign languages and teachers of major subjects. English language teachers are recommended to study not only the educational materials on a particular specialty but a specialty language (Specific terminology). Consequently, the teacher of English language in any case must possess certain knowledge in the professional field of students.

In order to achieve the successful results in the foreign language study students should get to know the culture and traditions of the country of studied language because at the present stage of a multicultural society formation and the active development of intercultural communication socio-cultural competences are crucial.

The current socio-economic situation is placing increased demands on the professional proficiency of a foreign language as a condition for successful international cooperation. Therefore, the modernization of the educational process requires improvement of teaching content, which means improving the quality of the educational process. Thus, the importance of professional English language training is increasing. In this case, the English language is a means of personal growth and professional competence of students of high school, and, of course, a prerequisite of successful professional activity.


  1. http://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/67/3361/

  2. https://m.cyberleninka.ru/article/n/razvivayuschaya-rol-inostrannogo-yazyka-v-neyazykovom-vuze

  3. http://www.sgu.ru/sites/default/files/textdocsfiles/2014/03/13/kuznecova_t.g.pdf

  4. http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/rol-inostrannogo-yazyka-v-protsesse-stanovleniya-i-razvitiya-professionalizma-spetsialista

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