VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Кривенкова Н.С. 1, Федуленкова Т.Н. 1
1владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых. Владимир,Россия
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It is evident that the problem of method in phraseological studies has been discussed for over half a century, since the time when Phraseology was recognized as a self-contained linguistic discipline (for the main notions see: [4: 7; 6: 19; 7: 71]). The first essential method within the frame of phraseology – the method of phraseological identification – was introduced by A.V. Kunin [5: 38] and powerfully developed by his disciples [3; 12; 13; 14], though some other linguists claimed to be the first to have suggested a universal method of phraseological research (for criticism of the contextological method of phraseological studies suggested by N.N. Amosova and the variable method suggested by V.L. Arkhangelsky see [4: 37-44]).

We maintain that the sources of phraseology as a linguistic discipline are to be found within Russian Grammar. It is natural that the first methods of phraseological studies were born on the Russian linguistic soil.

And one of them is the complicative method of phraseological research which was introduced and developed by S.G. Gavrin [2: 29]. The method was named complicative, because following Gavrin’s argument, every set expression – i.e. every language unit, related to phraseology – is complicative, since it is semantically and functionally complicated.

As a matter of fact the linguist writes about the so-called complicative tasks, among which he distinguishes the following:

а) the task to transfer the expression expressive-figurative /imagery qualities (волквовечьейшкуре, выпитьгорькуючашу);

б) the task to localize the word combination by cutting off some components (пришел, увидел, победил;ктокого);

в) the task to condense and systematize the results of the man’s cognitive activities (английскийзамок, туалетноемыло, истинарождаетсявспоре, производительныесилы, квантовыйгенератор).

Taking the set of tasks as a background, the following three types of specialized expressions, or complicatives, as the author puts it, can be singled out:

1) expressive-figurative expressions,

2) elliptical expressions,

3) gnoseological expressions (aphorisms, composite terms and nomenclature denominations).

Moreover, S.G. Gavrin marks out non-specialized set expressions. According to the linguist, to those belong the following set expressions:

a) restrictives, i.e. word combinations, where one of the components combines only with one word or several words (браздыправления, закадычныйдруг,морочитьголову, окладистаяборода, etc.),

b) idioms, i.e. phraseological fusions (тянутьканитель, броситьперчатку, отливатьпули, битьбаклуши, etc.).

Besides the linguist also singles out some mixed types of complicatives, for example: a) яблочкоотяблонинедалекопадает, which has two complicative features – an expressive-figurative one and a gnoseological one; b) проголодаешься – догадаешься, which has three complicative features, namely – an expressive-figurative one, an elliptical one and a gnoseological one.

The following principles are assumed as the basis of the complicative method:

1. The specific character of the phraseological unit is exposed by means of preparation its semantic structure, i.e. by means of the exposure of its main and compicative functions.

2. The amount of phraseological units is singled out by means of delimitation of the complicative set expressions from the unsteady ones on the basis of the features of stability, reproducability and frequency of use.

3. The functional qualities of complicatives are determined by the qualities of their semantic structure. That is why the most important principle of the complicative method is the study of semantic and functional properties in their close connection, with the exposure of their interdependence. The main point of this principle is finding out the connection «semantic structure – speech function».

4. Complicative phraseological characteristics of language units are found in definite systematic relations, which is the basis of the principle of systematic description of phraseology in the functional-semantic aspect.

So, S.G. Gavrin singled out four principles that formed the basis of the complicative method. Having analyzed S.G. Gavrin's paper, A.V. Kunin saw the opportunity to add two more principles to the set having been suggested, namely: (a) semantic operations of building phraseologisms (for example, the operation of comparing semes, leading to the formation of comparisons, or the operation of combination semes, leading to the formation of metaphors, metonymy, and other operations), (b) and also the formation of expressive-figurative complicative models of phraseology, set ellipses, etc. The disadvantage of the complicative method is the lack of procedures and principles of speech realization of phraseological units.

Having started the research studies of phraseology on the material of the Russian language, S.G. Gavrin evbidently made an important contribution to the theory of phraseology.

Functional-semantic complicativeness is characteristic as well of the words, of individual expressions of authors, of variable and variable-stable word combinations. The search of criteria of distinguishing phraseological complicativeness and other types of complicativeness should go on. It’s one of the main directions of development of phraseological theory on the material of different languages. The study of complicativeness should also envelop those spheres of phraseology, where complicativeness hasn’t been studied yet. To them belong, for example, phrase building and occasional usage of phraseological units. The research of complicativeness in these spheres is just making its first steps [1: 5].

We hope that further study of complivativeness, particularly, in the onomasiologic aspect and in the aspect of typology [8: 586], without any doubt, will contribute to the improvement of phraseology research methods (on the perspectives see also: [9: 286; 10: 43; 11: 434]).

Список литературы

  1. Волосевич С.П. Замена компонентов фразеологических единиц в аспекте номинации и коммуникации (на материале современного английского языка): Автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. – М., 1989.

  2. Гаврин С.Г. Фразеология современного русского языка. – Пермь, 1974.

  3. Керимзаде Н.К. Фразеологическая деривация (английский язык): Автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. – М., 1984.

  4. Кунин А.В. Английская фразеология: Теоретический курс. – М.: Высш. шк., 1970.

  5. Кунин А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка: Учеб. для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз., 2-е изд., перераб. – М., 1996.

  6. Кунин А.В. Основные понятия английской фразеологии как лингвистической дисциплины и создание англо-русского фразеологического словаря: Дис. … д-ра филол наук. – М., 1964.

  7. Кунин A.B. Основные понятия фразеологической стилистики // Проблемы лингвистической стилистики: Тез. докл. науч. конф. – М., 1969. – С. 71-75.

  8. Неумоина-Поварова В.Н., Федуленкова Т.Н. Общая и сопоставительная фразеология: проблема метода (на материале английского, немецкого и шведского языков) // Языковые измерения: Пространство, время, концепт: Материалы IV Международ. науч. конф. по актуальным проблемам теории языка и коммуникации (2 июля 2010 г.). – Т. I. – М: Военный ун-т, 2010. – С. 586-593.

  9. Федуленкова Т.Н. Изоморфизм и алломорфизм в германской фразеологии (на материале английского, немецкого и шведского языков): Дис. … д-ра филол. наук. – Северодвинск, 2006.

  10. Федуленкова Т.Н. Перспектива становления метода в изучении фразеологии // Житниковские чтения VII: Диалог языков и культур в гуманистической парадигме: Материалы международной науч. конф. – Челябинск, 2004. С. 43-45.

  11. Федуленкова Т.Н. Современные методы изучения фразеологии // Наука и образование 2004: Материалы международ. науч. конф. – Ч. I. – Мурманск, 2004. С. 434-437.

  12. Fedulenkova T. A new approach to the clipping of communicative phraseological units // Ranam: European Society for the Study of English: ESSE 6 – Strasbourg 2002 / Ed. P. Frath & M. Rissanen. – Strasbourg: Université Marc Bloch, 2003. – Vol. 36. – P. 11-22.

  13. Fedulenkova T. Isomorphism and Allomorphism of English, German and Swedish Phraseological Units Based on Metaphor // Phraseology 2005: The many faces of Phraseology: Proceedings of an interdisciplinary conference. – Louvain-la-Neuve, 2005. – P. 125-128.

  14. Naciscione Naciscione A. Phraseological Units in Discourse: Towards Applied Stylistics. – Riga: Latvian Academy of Culture, 2001.

Просмотров работы: 663