VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Волков Д.А. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет Имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
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Метод изучения фразеологических единиц, С.Г. Гаврин Волков Д.А. Владимирский государственный университет Имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых Владимир, Россия

S. G Gavrin widely understands phraseology volume, so that he approaches phraseological system from the point of view of a functional and semantic comlicativeness . S. G Gavrin includes all steady complicativeness of words satisfying to criteria of a functional and semantic complicativeness in structure of phraseology. He managed to create strict classification of phraseological units in modern Russian.

S.G. Gavrin calls complicative all combinations of words bearing semantic and functional complication (Gavrin, 1974:49). S.G. Gavrin specifies that, as a rule, primary object of phraseology - expressional and figurative FE, and gnoseological and elliptic phraseology are on the periphery or are excluded.

The following tasks refer to complicative method , with the term of S.G.Gavrin :

1) The task of informing expressive-figurative quality of set phrase

2) The task of localizing the set phrase by omitting (removing) some components;

3) The task of condensing and systematizing the effect of cognitive activity of the human being.

Correspondingly with it, three types of special complicated ones are differentiated : 1) expressive , but figurative 2) elliptical 3) cognitive(aphorisms , terms and nomenclature /top-level -names) .

Besides it , S.G.Gavrin demonstrated unspecialized set expressions. this group cover , restrictives, word collocations i.e. one of the components of which is equal with only a word or with several words and idioms , i.e. phraseological fusions.

The following principles are considered the base of complicative method:

1) The specificity of PU are revealed in the ways of forming its semantic structure (defining the main and complicated function)

2) Phraseological structure is determined with the help of separating stable complicated collocations from unstable ones on the basis of signs of stability , repeatability and usage

3) Functional properties of complicative ones determine the pecularities of their semantic structure and so that the important principle of complicative method is studying semantic and functional features with their close interrelationship, exposing their interdependence ; the main feature of this principle- to reveal the relations between ― semantic structure – speech function‖.

4) Complicative phraseological quality of language units are situated on definite systematic relation , which is considered to be the main principle of system definition of phraseology in functional – semantic aspect.

S.G.Gavrin defined four types of principles , which are the basis of complicative method. The analysis of his book shows that two more principles can be added to these ones - semantic operation of forming phraseologisms , and forming complicative models of expressive-figurative phraseology , set-ellipsis as well. The disadvantage of complicative method – is the absence of procedure and principles of realization of phraseologisms in speech.

S.G.Gavrin established the complicativeness with the help of Russian materials , with it he contributed to general theory of phraseology.

Functional-semantic complicativeness is peculiar to words as well , to different speech patterns , variable and invariable – stable word collocations. The researches for criteria of separating phraseological complicativeness and other types of complicativeness should go on. It is one of the primary directions of developing the theory of phraseology relying on the materials of different languages. Studying complicativeness should cover the fields of phraseology , in which complicativeness has not been looked through. Phrase formation and occasional usage of PU belong to it. Investigating complicativeness in these fields has begun recently. Later study of complicativeness, especially in onomasiological aspect , undoubtedly , can improve the methods of researching phraseology.

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